Universa and Ethfinex/Bitfinex? Let’s make it happen!

Community we need you!

4 min readAug 21, 2018


Dear community,

Universa is very proud to announce that we have passed the extensive review of the experts at Ethfinex/Bitfinex that allows us to participate with UTNP in the upcoming bi-weekly Ethfinex Token Listing Vote!


Ethfinex offers a new community and information hub for ERC20 tokens and Ethereum-based projects. It will facilitate learning, discussion, and analysis whilst simultaneously offering access to the most highly liquid and advanced trading platform for ERC20 tokens and crowdsales.

Ethfinex is a spinoff of Bitfinex — it will capitalise on Bitfinex’s trading engine and customer experience expertise; Ethfinex will, however, act as an entirely novel, independent entity, built for the Ethereum community. For more information about Ethfinex please read the following blog post at https://support.bitfinex.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004422865-What-is-Ethfinex-

When is the Vote?

The upcoming bi-weekly Ethfinex Token Listing Vote will start on Aug 22nd 2018 and ends 14 days after commencing. To find a detailed timer on when the vote ends please see https://nectar.community/#/listings, this URL is also needed to see the (current) ranking of the voting competition and its participants along with the possibility to vote!

How does the competition work? How do I get votes?

The top 3 of the Ethfinex Token Listing Vote will be considered winners! All winners are then listed simultaneously onto both Ethfinex (the community focused crypto exchange) and Bitfinex (a top 10 crypto exchange for professional traders, new accounts will not be able to trade or perform any platform function until they reach a minimum account equity of 10,000 USD, achieved by depositing cryptocurrency).

If you do not have an account at Ethfinex yet, be sure to create one to be able to trade here! For Ethfinex there are no minimum capital requirements to trade or use the platform and you can always (later) link your Ethfinex account to your Bitfinex account!

Now, to get votes you should take the following steps:
1. Login or sign up to Ethfinex.
2. Deposit ETH or any other listed ERC20 token.
3. Convert your ETH or ERC20 token to USD on Ethfinex.
4. Obtain Ethfinex Voting Tokens (EVT) through the EVT/USD pair.

Are you already registered on Ethfinex and do you own Ethfinex Nectar Token (NEC)? Then you should be credited with EVT by Ethfinex every two weeks which you can use to vote. The EVT for this round have already been distributed to NEC holders.

Some important information regarding Ethfinex Voting Token (EVT)

  • The Ethfinex Voting Token is a bi-monthly distributed token used for the voting of ERC20 tokens to be listed on Ethfinex. These tokens are distributed to Nectar Token (NEC) holders every time a vote starts in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Whilst the main purpose for the Ethfinex Voting Token is for the community to vote which tokens will be listed, users are able to trade EVT on the platform, with the EVT/USD pair.
  • EVT is a terrible long term investment. The tokens expire and disappear every two weeks, at the end of a voting period. New EVT tokens are then distributed to NEC holders. The EVT market is stopped 3 hours before voting ends, to ensure plenty of time is left for remaining EVT tokens to be withdrawn for voting purposes.
  • EVT are spent when voting for one of the tokens on the list, or trading on the Ethfinex platform. All remaining EVT not used in voting expire at the end of the two week period and the EVT markets on Ethfinex are then cleared. Users will be required to vote or sell the EVT before expiration to avoid any loss.
  • Tokens withdrawn to external wallets will also expire and balances will disappear at the end of the voting period. This is automatic and will expire across all Wallets. EVT are then reissued based on users updated NEC balances, to be used in the next token listing vote and when the EVT market begins again.
  • New EVTs are distributed approximately 1–2 hours after the previous voting period ends.

How do I vote?

First things first; to be able to vote you need to withdraw or transfer your EVT to a personal held Ethereum wallet. Make sure that this wallet contains EVT for voting purposes and a (small) amount of ETH to be able to cover transaction fees for casting your vote. Be sure to check out https://ethgasstation.info/ before transferring any funds to prevent severe delays in transaction times due to suboptimal gas settings.

Go to https://nectar.community/#/listings to see an overview of the participants in the token vote.

In the bottom right corner of your screen you will see a round icon with the text “connect wallet”. If you click said button the image as shown below should pop up.

Connecting your wallet for the voting process

Ethfinex provides three possible ways to connect your wallet for voting purposes. You can either connect through Metamask, Ledger wallet or by uploading your Keystore file (this last method is not recommended by Ethfinex). A short video tutorial showing how to connect and vote through Metamask can be found https://youtu.be/IBbbnPrPt-g.

Once you have connected your wallet be sure to click the “vote” button next to Universa! Complete the voting process and you should get a notification from the website thanking you for your vote. Please note that your entire EVT balance will be cast when voting.

Thanks for your vote! Let’s make this happen together!

We are always happy to answer your questions in the Telegram channel — t.me/uplatform (EN) and t.me/universa (RU).

Follow the news in t.me/UniversaNews (EN) and t.me/UniversaNewsRu(RU).


The Universa Team




News about Universa Blockchain project (https://universablockchain.com). For any inquiries please contact us at support@universa.co.