Universa to be listed on Bitfinex and Ethfinex!


3 min readSep 4, 2018


Dear community,

We did it!

Together with all of you we won the Ethfinex Token Listing Vote! We can’t thank all of you enough for your active participation and engagement, your encouragement and enthusiasm but most of all clearly for voting for Universa!

The russian version of this post is available here


You will be able to see UTNP soon on Bitfinex and Ethfinex! Keep an eye out in their Telegram chats for the listing announcement(s) and join the revolution that is Universa.

EDIT: UTNP trading on Bitfinex and Ethfinex is live as of now! Please visit https://bitfinex.com and https://ethfinex.com to start trading.

  • Please be advised that Bitfinex and Ethfinex have a 3 letter ticker policy!
  • UTN is chosen as the ticker for Universa.
  • The traded token is UTNP! This is also reflected in the UI of Bitfinex/Ethfinex.

Bitfinex Telegram: https://t.me/bfxtelegram
Ethfinex Telegram: https://t.me/ethfinextelegram

About the Voting Competition

Still curious as to how this whole voting process worked and want to read some official statements regarding it? Please see the following blogpost from Ethfinex that elaborates on it:

Ethfinex has also recently shared their performance report for August 2018 which you could read in the following blogpost:

The report addresses total trading volume and fees for August, combined with information of contributed ETH to the Nectar token contract which was pledged to NEC holders. Finally it also hosts a section with suggestions for future voting rounds, interesting stuff!

About Bitfinex and Ethfinex
Ethfinex offers a new community and information hub for ERC20 tokens and Ethereum-based projects. It will facilitate learning, discussion, and analysis whilst simultaneously offering access to the most highly liquid and advanced trading platform for ERC20 tokens and crowdsales.

Ethfinex is a spinoff of Bitfinex (a top 10 crypto exchange for professional traders) — it will capitalize on Bitfinex’s trading engine and customer experience expertise; Ethfinex will, however, act as an entirely novel, independent entity, built for the Ethereum community. For more information about Ethfinex please read the following blog post at https://support.bitfinex.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004422865-What-is-Ethfinex-

With the focus of Bitfinex on professional traders, new accounts will not be able to trade or perform any platform function until they reach a minimum account equity of 10,000 USD, achieved by depositing cryptocurrency.

With the focus of Ethfinex on being a community focused crypto exchange, new accounts have no minimum capital requirements to trade or use the platform.

Sign up for an account at https://bitfinex.com or https://ethfinex.com and you can always link your Ethfinex account to your Bitfinex account!

Warm greetings and thank you all once more,

The Universa Team




News about Universa Blockchain project (https://universablockchain.com). For any inquiries please contact us at support@universa.co.