Week 10 // Malaysia again?

Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2018

February 23, 2018

The week was unusually calm. Probably, it should have happened one day. It’s a pity that the schedule for the next 10 days looks extremely hectic 😃. The fun never stops but it’s all for reason and for purpose.


Now you can trade our UTNP tokens not only on Cobinhood.com (for BTC and ETH), but also on hitBTC.com (for USDT, BTC and ETH).

#Press / Articles

#Business development // Partnerships

This week began in Sochi. The sun was shining, it was +16°C, it smelled of spring and sea. To be honest, in Lithuania, this time of year is not so pleasant.

In Sochi was held Russian Investment Forum 2018, sponsored by Universa. Within the forum we had several important tasks. The first and the most important thing was to announce at a joint press conference about Universa Blockchain implementation into the business of the Novotrans logistics operator. We had to meet with Government of the Russian Federation, representatives of regions as well as with representatives of the large business; to set goals for implementation of Universa-based solutions.

I think we chose the best place for our branding strategy — Schachmatnaya Gostinaya (Chess Lounge) — the only lounge where “the right people” for us came to have a rest, drink a cup of coffee, a cocktail and conduct negotiations far from prying eyes.

We branded the living room itself, cups for coffee, we offered cocktail “universa” and showed commercial on the screens. According to the reviews, everything was quite well.

Lounge zone branding — flags, cocktails, sofas

During the work of “Gostinaya”, we held a number of meetings there: with Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich, with representatives of large corporations from the regions, with rectors of major universities and a group of our own investors who were in Sochi these days.

Arcady Dvorkovich, Vice Premier Minister of Russia

#Novotrans // Blockchain in logistics

Then the time has come for Novotrans deal coverage (Novotrans is one of the biggest cargo companies in Russia. It has own fleet of 28,000 railway cars; In the year 2016 the total transport volume amounted to 37 million tonnes).

On the press conference with participation of Ministry of Agriculture we presented our common vision of the future system for accounting and monitoring (tokenization) of the available space in railway cars; we also presented a system based on the Universa Blockchain for creation of digital history of each railway car, which connects predictive analytics to calculate the state of repair of cars and spare parts, needed for the repair.

CEO of Novotrans and CEO of Universa signing the deal

After that I gave several interviews: to national TV, Russia24 and NTV channels, and local newspapers.

Russia24 — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNUpeofT0bA

KubanTV — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS_1aTmVGic

The rest of that (calendar) week was focused on building an organizational structure of the fast-growing company; processing and systematization of incoming requests regarding Universa Blockchain integration.

#Malaysia // 6,000,000 people will use smart money by Universa

All the Wednesday I had to fly to Malaysia in order to tell you the good news officially.

Minister of trade and CEO of Universa discussing Smart Money program for 6,000,000 people

The Minister of Trade from Malaysia — Dato’ Seri Hamzah bin Zainudin, head of the largest cooperative Angkasa — Datuk Abdul Fatta, the head of ASN Mobile and other high-level officials attended today’s press conference. Universa Blockchain together with ASN Networks and Angkasa Coop will implement a system for distribution and control of welfare payments, which would not only prevent spending of funds on alcohol and cigarettes, but might also control each illegitimate usage of funds through the usage of blockchain technology. Links to the video and articles will be in the following update.

Datuk Abdul Fatta, Dato’ Seri Hamzah bin Zainudin and Alexander Borodich

To save time we’ve held talks with the Deputy Minister for Science and Innovation Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah; we’ve discussed of the best way to establish a company in Malaysia, what type of visas are possible for employees, where the first office of Universa Blockchain in Kuala Lumpur, and Asian Blockchain Center of Excellence in Malaka should be opened.

Alexander Borodich and Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah

#Development of Universa Blockchain

  • Built a high-performance testnet for Alfabank
  • Highly optimized node’s code; significant speed boost gained, the speed does not fall under 20K TPS
  • Released an application for demonstrating a network performance on client-side for Alfabank which natively works on Windows, Linux and MacOS
  • Fixed incompatibilities of Universa API with Windows
  • Created scripts for automated build of node and CLI for community, wrote documentation
  • Fixed a bug, which previously led to errors during registration of contracts with complex relations
  • Drafted a way of contract hashId improvement for using 2–3 independent hash methods
  • Started working on dynamic network: contract for adding/deletion of node, automated processing

#Integrations with other blockchains // BTC, ETH

Created test swap-escrow service for Bitcoin Testnet / Ethereum Testnet.

#WebUI // access.universa.io

We’ve made a Scala application wireframe, deployment server, scripts for build and integration of Scala business-logic and ES2016 UI in two modes: fast for debugging and production for deployment.

P.S. Next week we are expecting the news from World Mobile Congress in Barcelona. :) We’ve prepared something really interesting :)


We are always happy to answer your questions in the Telegram channel — t.me/uplatform (EN) and t.me/universa (RU).

Follow the news in t.me/UniversaNews (EN) and t.me/UniversaNewsRu (RU).

Sincerely your Paranoid CEO, Alexander Borodich




News about Universa Blockchain project (https://universablockchain.com). For any inquiries please contact us at support@universa.co.