Week 13 ;)

Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2018

Good afternoon,

While the number doesn’t sound very promising, this week still had quite a few exciting events to offer.

About SWIFT and Universa

Denis Dodon about external Universa testing

First of all, here is the video where Denis Dodon, Head of Alfa-Bank’s Center for Innovations and Development, is talking about the bank testing Universa Blockchain.

This interview made Universa Blockchain a frequently discussed topic this week, due to all the SWIFT-related issues and ways to deal with them using IBM HyperLedger.

#interview // Blockchain revolution

I gave an interview to NTV this week. I think it turned out pretty cool, even though the final version only featured a small part of the original interview.

See full video here:


#tv // RBC-TV

We returned to RBC-TV studio to continue recording the program; for now we have some photos to share.

#projects // Universa integration in the game

Universa Unicorn

You can finally buy a unicorn in UnicornGo.io crypto game, and Universa has got a new shiny one in the game Universe. Looking forward to the full-blown release of the game.

A great event in Kazan

Universa Blockchain is now General Partner to a unique Blockchain intensive training.

A five-day intensive training dedicated to preparing ICO projects was held in Kazan on March 7–11. Before starting the event, Zavod ICO team partnered with Universa Blockchain and Online Expo to select the best of more than 120 applications. 54 teams from all parts of Russia were shortlisted for the training. The total number of participants was over 200, including several dozen experts, mentors and judges.

Innopolis, Universa, CryptoRussia and Pulsar Ventures

During the five days participating teams under the control of mentors and experts were listening to industry leaders’ speeches from dawn till dusk, received personal recommendations and refined their project presentations, in order to make them as attractive to investors as possible. The projects were rated not just in points, but also in the event’s internal currency — Zavotoken. The expert team included Marat Bikmullin, Victor Efimov (Adnetic), Andrey Insarov (CEO SMSchain), Rustam Davletbaev (Innopolis University), Georgy Galoyan, Roman Lavnik (Mostax), Ilya Orlov (TravelChain), Mikhail Shilov, Mikhail Podgaets, Anton Trantin (Innosoft), Tachat Igityan, Alexander Borodich, Denis Kozminyh (Bazaar).

#DEV // Universa Blockchain

Next version of Web wallet is coming…


  • We have completed and stabilized the Ethereum node (geth) farm that we use. Now you can search for “Universa Blockchain” on https://ethstats.net/ to see the status of our three URS nodes (and one HODL node) — all three are located in different data centers worldwide.
  • The same goes for https://www.rinkeby.io/#stats (similarly, search for “Universa Blockchain”) you can see our two URS testing nodes and HODL node.
  • All ETH nodes have been upgraded to the latest geth 1.8.2, after experimenting with 1.7.3 version (which was proven inoperable, while all 1.8.x releases prior to 1.8.2 contain an error that crashes API smart contract calls).
  • Ethereum addresses are now generated with EIP55 checksum when making payments with UTNP, to prevent accidental typos (to be released on the website in the next few days).
  • UniPayments back-end now calculates and stores exchange rates not just for Bitcoin/Ethereum, but also for any tokens added, particularly (and primarily) for UTNP.
  • Administrative dashboard has been added, which allows creating and editing U bundles for sale.
  • Development started on handling erroneous (too big or too small) payments: it was decided to issue U bundles for the actual payment value at the U/UTN rate entered (4U/1UTN at the moment).

WEB 2.0

  • Main site grid under the new design and chat grid
  • Sidebar with chats list and pretty animation
  • Sidebar with the contract list
  • Contract UI for exchange with validation
  • Site header
  • Common website sidebar with pretty animation
  • Login/registration form


  • Developed a standard and code for working with addresses.
  • A short or long address can be used for the key, in (clickable) text format, 51 or 72 characters respectively.
  • The address contains a tag for expanding functionality
  • A checksum is included to avoid typos.
  • Textual representation automatically corrects the most frequent ambiguity errors (0oO, I1l!).
  • An algorithm with medium (short address) and high (long address) resistance to future quantum attacks has been developed.
  • Network updated to version 3.2.2
  • Support for addresses instead of keys or together with keys has been added
  • Transaction packet format expanded: the keys are included in the transaction packet (added) if they are used in the signature and the contract contains their address but no actual keys.
  • Calibrated the value of different contract types in U
  • Reinforced extended signature, using a longer quantum-resistant hash with backwards compatibility (started implementing our gradual reinforcement plan)
  • Found and corrected an error that allowed interfering with the intranet operation using a special type of DDoS attack.
  • Improved the timeout handling logic for a node, e.g., in case of complete loss of network connection.
  • Improved network stability in case of node restarting or an attempt to substitute a node.
  • Corrected contract aging error.
  • Uniclient updated to version 3.2.1
  • Support for addresses in contracts
  • Reviewed the node code and determined further action to optimize and increase resistance against DDoS attacks.
  • Started working on “smart” recovery of incomplete transactions in the ledger in case of sudden restart (e.g., due to hardware failure).
  • Improved resyncing mechanism.


Universa officially announces that Artur Lipatov, who claims to be Universa Community Director, has nothing to do with our company since recently. Universa always stands for transparency, integrity and compliance with all laws — both in the industry and in relationships with its staff.

See you next week.

We are always happy to answer your questions in our Telegram channel — t.me/uplatform (EN) и t.me/universa (RU).

Follow the project news at t.me/UniversaNews (EN) and t.me/UniversaNewsRu (RU).

With best regards,
Your Paranoid CEO, Alexander Borodich




News about Universa Blockchain project (https://universablockchain.com). For any inquiries please contact us at support@universa.co.