Wrestling's Greatest Rivalry: The Epic Clash of Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes

Review of WWE Rivalries: Episode 3

Yusuf Ali
Binge Scriptor


Image: WWE/Canva/Yusuf Ali

In the rich and more than a century-old history of professional wrestling, no rivalry has ever reached emotional depth as the legendary conflict between Nature Boy Ric Flair and The American Dream Dusty Rhodes. After covering arguably the greatest WWE rivalry between Austin and McMahon in the first two episodes, WWE rivalries in episode 3 explored what is arguably the greatest wrestling rivalry in history.

I was born after these legends had already clashed and entertained fans worldwide, but older wrestling fans always remember to tell me their love and appreciation for Flair and Rhodes. Their rivalry spanned decades and multiple wrestling promotions, notably in Jim Crockett Promotions (later WCW) and the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA). It was a feud fueled by mutual respect and genuine animosity as Flair and Rhodes battled for championship gold and the adoration of fans around the world. It was more than just a wrestling feud. It was poetic. It was Shakespearian because the drama that unfolded sparked emotional responses from fans never before and never again.

The third episode of Rivalries provides archival footage, insightful interviews from industry veterans, and expert analysis to give the viewers a comprehensive overview of the legendary conflict between the Fan Favourite Rhodes and Villianous Flair. It also contains in-depth interviews from Rhodes and Flair about what worked with their rivalries, making it a must-watch.

The feud transcended competition; it was a clash of personalities, ideologies, and wrestling styles. On one side stood Ric Flair, the flamboyant "Nature Boy" who loved luxury and had extraordinary expertise in technical wrestling. On the other side was Dusty Rhodes, the "American Dream," a working-class hero and son of a plumber who fans loved for his charisma, larger-than-life persona, and unrelenting determination. Both legends could talk and entertain the crowd, making their promos so good that even today, wrestling students use them to learn how to cut a promo.

The core of their conflict was the battle for dominance inside and outside the ring. Flair symbolized the wrestling aristocracy, epitomizing the glorious lifestyle of a champion. In contrast, Rhodes was the representative of ordinary people, a hero from the working class who fought for the marginalized and spoke to the dreams of blue-collar spectators.

The matches featuring Flair and Rhodes were truly spectacular, showcasing their exceptional athleticism and storytelling abilities. Each match was more intense and dramatic than the last, regardless of whether it was a singles or tag team match. Their in-ring chemistry was unparalleled, and they had a remarkable ability to mesmerize audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the history of wrestling.

Flair and Rhodes' feud had a far-reaching impact on the wrestling industry, going beyond the dazzling lights of the arena. Their rivalry contributed significantly to the rise in popularity of professional wrestling, attracting mainstream audiences and laying the foundation for upcoming generations of wrestlers.

Episode 3 and the whole Rivalries series are exceptions compared to other shows, as they are committed to presenting authenticity and depth. Instead of just narrating the historical storylines, the episode explores the root emotions, motivations, and disagreements that led to "Greatest Wrestling Rivalry." The high-quality production values include outstanding editing, dynamic visuals, and immersive sound design, which adds the icing to the cake, making it entertaining and enjoyable.



Yusuf Ali
Binge Scriptor

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