November 12th-Universal Labs Bi-weekly Development Update

Universal Labs
Universal Labs
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2018

Product Development Progress

1. UBBEY Box and UBBEY App Updating

1.1 Upgraded and released App v1.2.1 according to the Testnet Feedback. The upgraded App solved the following problems: the blocked Testnet caused by time sync problem; in some cases, the local network cannot detect the box.

1.2 Released the beta App for android and iOS for the alpha UBBEY Testnet

1.3 Optimized the file uploading and downloading experience; fixed the plugin issues

1.4 Collect the UBBEY Box log information and built up the log system

1.5 Completed the UBBEY Box Pro circuit map and finalized the structure

2. UBBEY Public Chain Progress Updating

2.1 Realized remote grey scale upgrading of the Testnet

2.2 Laughed the Testnet within the community; collect and fix reported bugs

2.3 Fixed the blocked Testnet caused by time sync problem

Ecosystem Development and Event Recap

1. Universal Labs attended the 2018 Blockchain Keyference held by Blockchain Forum Korea

The blockchain is considered to be the core of the fourth industrial revolution along with artificial intelligence, big data, and Internet of things. Many countries in the world are spurring technology preoccupation. In order to cater for the industrial needs, Blockchain Forum Korea held the 2018 Blockchain KeyFerence. This event invited several leading companies in the Blockchain Technology field to share the latest technology information and to see the present and future application of the blockchain technology in various sectors.

CEO Mr. Keda Che attended this event as the representative of Universal Labs and delivered a speech to share the industrial insights and the latest project that Universal Labs currently focused on. Universal Labs’ exhibition booth also attracted a lot of attendees to check out Universal Labs and the core product UBBEY Box.

2. UBBEY launched the Testnet bounty within the community

UBBEY officially launched the alpha Testnet bounty within the UBBEY community. The initial UBBEY Box community members who owns UBBEY Box are invited to participate the Testnet, and majority of them have become one of the nodes and participated the Testnet mining. After the alpha test, Testnet will be available for more users to experience.

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