Universal Suture Unveils Cutting-Edge Polyamide Suture

Webfrog IT Services Team
Universal Sutures Blog
2 min readMay 7, 2024

When it comes to surgical precision and patient safety, choosing the right suture is paramount. UNILON, a leading product from Universal Suture, sets a new standard with its high-quality Monofilament Polyamide Suture. Known commonly as Nylon Suture, UNILON is meticulously crafted from 100% homopolymer of Nylon 6 and 6.6, ensuring top-tier performance across a variety of surgical environments.

Polyamide Suture By: Universal suture

Optimal Visibility and Durability

One of the standout features of the UNILON Monofilament Polyamide Suture is its visibility. Available in black or blue, these sutures are designed to be easily seen against tissue during procedures, enhancing safety and precision in every stitch. This visibility is particularly crucial during complex surgeries such as ophthalmic, plastic, neurological, and micro procedures where precision is critical.

Infection Resistance and Minimal Tissue Reaction

Infection control remains a priority in surgeries, and UNILON sutures are engineered to be resistant to infections. Their polyamide nylon composition elicits minimal tissue reaction, which means they do not cause tissue rupture and are ideal for patients with sensitive tissues. The inert and non-adhering nature of the suture material coupled with its resistance to weakening by tissue enzymes makes it an excellent choice for surgeries requiring long-term reliability, such as in ligation and soft tissue approximation.

Superior Needle Technology

Universal Suture takes pride in its in-house needle manufacturing process, which ensures that each needle attached to the UNILON suture is optimally sharp. This sharpness, combined with the smooth passage of the suture through tissue, minimizes trauma and enhances the overall suturing experience, allowing for smoother and faster healing.

Ideal for Skin Closure

The physical properties of UNILON Monofilament Polyamide Sutures make them ideal for skin closures. They exhibit excellent tensile strength and good knot security, crucial for maintaining wound closure integrity. Unlike other sutures that may exhibit elasticity, UNILON sutures maintain their tension, ensuring that knots remain secure without tightening or loosening unexpectedly.


For healthcare professionals seeking a reliable, efficient, and patient-safe suturing option, UNILON Monofilament Polyamide Sutures from Universal Suture represent a premier choice. With enhanced visibility, infection resistance, minimal tissue reactivity, and exceptional needle sharpness, these sutures ensure that every knot contributes to optimal healing and surgical success. Whether for general surgeries or specialized procedures, UNILON stands as a testament to innovation in surgical care.



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Universal Sutures Blog

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