Global burnout

Uwe Hoche
Universal Wonderbag
1 min readNov 30, 2017

Burnout of

  • Common sense
  • Good intentions
  • Good will
  • Natural resources
  • Freedom of mind
  • Ideology
  • Peaceful togetherness
  • Sense full living
  • Naivety
  • Hope
  • Flower power
  • Respect
  • Politeness
  • Easy living
  • Responsibility

The dream of global humanity is hidden under the ashes of a society eating more than it should, buying more than it should, wasting more than it should and covered with a carpet of neat looking virtual reality. All shiny and disposable.

A global dustbin of fast satisfactions. Paradises are no more artificial but turned radically fake.

Now go and buy something!



Uwe Hoche
Universal Wonderbag

I paint emotions and rediscover living one day at a time. It took me more than 50 years to find out that happiness is all around us ... NAMASTE