Uwe Hoche
Universal Wonderbag
2 min readSep 26, 2017


Hi Steve

I have read so many books and watched so many videos on the subject. In fact they all repeat the same thing: happiness is linked to balance and acceptance and appears as you become aware of the fact that life in itself is the one and only treasure we have.

There’s a tremendous difference between knowledge and experience too. When you are young you can only rely on knowledge. But our brain works by comparing our daily experiences to the knowledge base we build all along our lives and it just happens so that often discrepancies between these two instances arise. Add to that the emotional matching game between desires and their satisfaction and there you are with a very complexe puzzle for anyone eager to understand.

What I mean to say is that I don’t believe anymore in books and teachings when it comes to happiness. The Bible, the Thora , the Dharma, they all say pretty much the same: practice sharing, caring, acceptance and respect and be aware that happiness is in all those little things in and around us.

Every human being has to find happiness all by himself and it takes time to do os. At the end of the day, most of us find it by letting go of artificial paradises and marketing linked desires for fake materialistic values.

Have a wonderful day full of happy little moments



Uwe Hoche
Universal Wonderbag

I paint emotions and rediscover living one day at a time. It took me more than 50 years to find out that happiness is all around us ... NAMASTE