Top 10 Family Friendly Dogs

Joey Ahern
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2018

According to popular pet website petMD, they have compiled a list of the top 10 family friendly dogs.

This list was based on 3 major factors:

· Temperament — This is the dog’s personality. You should be looking for an agreeable temperament. For instance, a calmer dog has the ability to form strong bonds and be a great companion for your kids.

· Size — Size should be looked at in relation to both temperament and energy level. Some larger dogs tend to be docile, while some smaller dogs can be excitable.

· Energy Level — This is a matter of preference for your family. Be realistic about the lifestyle you can provide to a dog that needs more exercise than average. If you cannot meet a dog’s needs, his excess energy can lead to behavior problems down the road.

Top 10 Best Dogs for Kids and Families*

1. Bull Dog

2. Beagle

3. Bull Terrier

4. Collie

5. Newfoundland

6. Vizsla

7. Irish Setter

8. Poodle

9. Labrador Retriever

10. Golden Retriever

*For more information on each specific dog listed above in the petMD top 10 Best Dogs for Kids & Families click the below link:

Important Information: From Universal Direct

InsuranceAlways make sure to inform your current homeowners, renters or condo insurance carrier about your new pet dog. Remember, your property & casualty policy is an official contract agreement, so if your policy contract does not include your dog, you may potentially have a huge coverage gap in your protection.

