Grant Announcement

Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2022


We are pleased to announce that UniversalDot Foundation has been approved for a grant from Web3 Foundation to build a decentralized freelancing application and has now completed the first milestone.

The UniversalDot Foundation is dedicated to building a decentralized solution that will enable freelancers to create/complete tasks and organize themselves into geographically distributed organizations. In the first milestone of our Web3 Foundation grant, we have established the infrastructure of this decentralized application (dApp) and developed some of its core functionalities. By using the Substrate framework, we have successfully implemented the following features:

  • The creation of personal profiles
  • The ability to create and complete tasks
  • The ability to create digital organizations

To find out more about the first milestone and follow the project’s further development, check out its official GitHub repository.

This grant is the first step that enables our commitment to create applications for the decentralized internet. These applications will enable individuals to create digital contracts with one another. Furthermore, each individual will be empowered to create their vision for the future and organize people around their vision. This is meant to further universal rights such as the freedom to declare one’s own identity and the right to free association.

We’re incredibly grateful for the support provided by Web3 Foundation to help us develop this project for the community. Web3 Foundation funds research and development teams building the technology stack of the decentralized web. It was established in Zug, Switzerland by Ethereum co-founder and former chief technology officer Dr. Gavin Wood. Polkadot is the Foundation’s flagship project.

You can find out more about UniversalDot Foundation on our official website.

Learn more about Web3 Foundation by visiting their website, and stay up to date with the latest developments by following them on Medium or Twitter.





UniversalDot.Foundation is focused on creating applications for the decentralised internet.