Universal Protocol Alliance announces new Alliance Members and Chairman ahead of groundbreaking new Tokens

Metals Digitization Company Infinigold Joins Universal Protocol Alliance, along with Hard+Yaka and Fifth Era

Universal Protocol
Universal Protocol
3 min readNov 18, 2020


Universal Protocol is committed to a world where all asset classes are digitized and tokenized. To achieve this, we have released several stablecoins and tokenized commodities over the last two years that represent the world’s most valuable assets.

InfiniGold Joins the UP Alliance

Our next phase of tokenization will involve further tokenization of additional metals. To lead us in this endeavor, we are proud to announce that the world’s leading precious metals digitization company, Infinigold, has joined the Universal Protocol Alliance as a permanent member.

“We’re thrilled to join an Alliance of like-minded blockchain companies dedicated to incubating blockchain-based technologies and helping projects go mainstream,” said Jon Dean, CEO InfiniGold. “The blockchain industry needs technology that can build trust and transparency, and the platform the Alliance has built should help drive mass utility and adoption.”

InfiniGold has designed a digitization mechanism that produces digital certificates of ownership over any physical or digital asset, with a current focus on precious metals. InfiniGold is its first product that allows individual investors to hold physical gold.

Infinigold joins the UP Alliance as the member that handles the substantiation of all tokenized metal assets. Currently, they are responsible for creating an Infinigold GoldPass Certificate by which UPXAU is collateralized against. Issued by Universal Protocol, UPXAU is an ERC20 gold token that represents 1 troy oz (31.10348 grams) of pure gold held at the Perth Mint in Australia, one of the eminent refining mints in the world. The underlying gold is physically deliverable and government-guaranteed.

The Universal Protocol Alliance Has A New Chairman

At the same time, the UP Alliance is announcing the appointment of its new Chairman, Matthew Le Merle. He is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Fifth Era, Keiretsu Capital, and Blockchain Coinvestors; the world’s leading decentralized-ledger venture fund of funds. An expert on corporate growth, innovation, and business transformations, he has advised leading companies including Amazon, Cisco, eBay, Google, HP, Microsoft, and PayPal.

“I am thrilled to join the UP Alliance as Chairman, especially at a time of such extraordinary opportunity,” said Mr Le Merle. “Now is the moment when the promise of blockchain technology is finally crystallizing into significant institutional adoption and there is a growing realization of its enormous potential to transform the way financial services are provided worldwide.”

Hard+Yaka Joins the UP Alliance

Another important new UP Alliance member is Hard+Yaka, the investment vehicle of Greg Kidd, the storied Silicon Valley investor who co-founded Twitter, was an early backer of Square, and who has invested in more than 100 financial technology companies.

Stay tuned for the launch of our next two tokens, which we will be announced on December 1st and December 8th, 2020! With these tokens, we aim to address some of the biggest challenges facing the cryptocurrency industry — and the future of our planet.

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