Universal Protocol Monthly Report: February 2020

Universal Protocol
Universal Protocol
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2020

The ninth monthly update report from the Universal Protocol Alliance

We hope our global community took advantage of the extra leap day this February like we did!

Looking back, Universal Protocol was created to develop new financial tools and marketplaces built on blockchain which modern consumers can easily use and engage with. To that end, UP alliance members continue to innovate and offer new products and features to a global audience.

Uphold’s recent commission-free trading for cryptocurrencies is one example of UP alliance members lowering barriers for consumers interested in joining the cryptoverse.

Cred is introducing more cryptocurrencies that will work and be compatible with all of their financial tools. Just this month they coordinated with Litecoin to work with CredEarn, expanding the possibility to earn interest on cryptocurrency to millions around the world who hold LTC.

During February, we were able to confirm near-completion of our new Universal Protocol transparency page, which will list the current circulation of UPUSD, UPBTC, and UPEUR. This transparency page will always be current when viewing the page, and will list the total volume of UP tokens and stablecoins that are currently held in the Uphold reserve. We hope we will be able to announce it fully in the next few weeks, but for a sneak peak of the development site, check out: https://transparency-frontend.herokuapp.com/

For further updates, please stay tuned to our Telegram and Twitter accounts.

News Across the UP Alliance


Trading platform Uphold is now offering commission-free cryptocurrency trading, the company announced Tuesday. Uphold opens crypto trading to users with UK bank accounts. How crisis and dysfunction fuel token payments. Cryptocurrency companies adopt similar characteristics to those of banks (only better) to boost growth. Cryptos: Will no cost trading and high interest rates allow for greater adoption?


‘Every asset class will be digitized and tokenized,’ says Cred Co-Founder, Dan Schatt. Cred now enables LTC holders to earn up to 10% interest on their digital assets. Litecoin Foundation teams up with crypto lender Cred for loans service. Crypto lending has come a long way — but the best is yet to come.

Bittrex Global

Crypto exchange Bittrex Global names new interim CEO.


CertiK launches demo for language that aims to make blockchain hacker resistant. CertiK publishes DeepSEA programming language handbook.

Blockchain at Berkeley

5 crypto companies investing millions in blockchain education. Look out cryptoverse, blockchain education is just getting started.

To receive the most up-to-date information related to the Universal Protocol Alliance, please join us on our Telegram and on Twitter.

