One of Bowlturner’s bowls

Meeting the Worldbuilders — Bowlturner

Tim Boura
Universe Factory
Published in
4 min readMar 7, 2016


This article is from a series here on Universe Factory, where we look at the people behind the Worldbuilding. We present a number of short interviews with people who have been using our site to try and get some insight into who they are and how it is being used. This interview is with Bowlturner, at the time of writing our highest reputation contributor although that’s a close race.

Hi Bowlturner and thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for the Worldbuilding Blog.

Hi Tim, looking forward to it. Thought it would be fun.

Can we start with a little bit about you? What part of our world are you from and what do you do for a living?

I’m from Minnesota, and I’m a software engineer. Currently an employee in a contracting firm. Love the snow, and I’m in a constant state of learning.

Congratulations on recently becoming not only the highest reputation user on Worldbuilding but also one of the first to pass 30k reputation. Is there any particular secret to your success or is it simply a combination of knowledge and time spent contributing on the site?

I think Samuel passed 30k first, I just passed him again! My success? I think it’s that I’m willing to spend time and answer lots of questions. I want to believe I’m knowledgeable and that it makes the difference. I don’t think there are many areas I’d consider myself an expert, but I have a fairly wide range of interests and a decent understanding of many different subjects.

You’ve also been with us for a long time. How established was the site in when you found out about it and do you remember how you found us?

Actually I found it while it was still in the Commitment phase. So I got an original Beta invite. I was learning about Area 51 and thought the idea of a site to help people better flesh out their ideas would be great. I read quite a bit and I also get new books to review. I’ve read some doozies and am more than willing to help prevent those bad ideas from being printed.

So are you building a world yourself or more interested in helping other people build theirs?

I have a couple of ideas I would like to turn into books someday, but mostly I like helping other people build theirs. I have too many other interests and hobbies to get myself to focus on writing a novel. It deserves more attention I’m currently able to give it.

You’re active on other Stack Exchange sites as well I believe, in particular being a moderator on Woodworking and I guess that’s where your name comes from too. Is there any connection between these interests?

Directly? No. I enjoy making things. I keep getting new tools for my shop. And I learn a lot about wood, both from experience and lots of reading. Since joining Woodworking, I’ve been learning even more! I’m also interested in blacksmithing and I’m learning that right now too. I’ve also started a proposal for a Blacksmithing and Metal work SE site, we have 44 members interested as of today. I guess the big thing that ties it all together is thatI like to know and understand and create.

What are a few of your favorite questions or answers that you’ve written?

My favorite question is the Mosquito Assassin. A latecomer had an excellent answer and summarized the pros and cons of the different substances. If he gets one more upvote then 3 people will be getting Populist badges. One of my favorite questions was yours, the Planetary Scale Artworks and I liked my answer for that one too.

With 659 answers still out there, it’s hard to pick a favorite, but I did enjoy the Multigenerational Ship Pet quite a bit.

Is there any particular question, answer or person here on Worldbuilding that you would say has really inspired you?

No, there are a bunch of people that help make it a fun and enjoyable place to keep coming back to. You, James, Samuel, HDE and a bunch of others. And every week or so new questions or answers that show up, make me think about things in new ways and that is always good.

Is there anything else you’d like to add or say?

Worldbuilding is filled with a bunch of fun and knowledgeable people with a wide range of expertise. It covers all kinds of questions that won’t fit for various reasons on any of the other Stacks. It makes it different and a lot of fun.

Well thanks for taking the time to be interviewed Bowlturner.



Tim Boura
Universe Factory

One of those crazy worldbuilding people. Writer, programmer and gamer.