Beyond The Bull

Disneyland Gaza In The Works

The biggest real estate opportunity in the Middle East.

Will Lockett
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2024


After recent revelations that 500 Israeli families are ready to settle and build new towns in the Gaza Strip “immediately”, Disney, who rightfully gave Israel $2 million in aid after the horrific October 7th attack, but not a dime to Palestinian aid since, has announced they are planning to build a new Disneyland in Gaza. Disney has no theme parks in the Middle East; this real estate opportunity could solve that. It isn’t just Disney looking to capitalise in Gaza. Airbnb and are looking to create and support accommodation in these new Gazan towns that give an authentic local experience, such as witnessing the horror of apartheid, settler violence, human rights breaches and, of course, genocide, all while you soak up the Mediterranean sun. As avid supporters of Israel, Volvo, Caterpillar, JCB and Hyundai have all pledged to provide a giant fleet of excavators to the Gaza settlers, as for some unknown reason, the real estate is covered in tonnes of rubble and the body parts of women and children.

Disney wanted to ensure the park focused on stories relevant to the region, so initial plans included a replica of Agrabah, the town from Aladdin. Sadly, these had to be scrapped over fears the IDF would accidentally blow it to smithereens. Instead, the section will celebrate…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at