Monday April 18th Universe Marketplace Update

Mark Ward
2 min readApr 19, 2022


Fixed and Released

-Airdrop page is live

-Ledger wallet integrations fixed

-Custom scrapers for non standard ERC 721s — Hashmasks integrations finished

-Search Engine Optimization Fixed (we are still working on some rearchitecting that will affect this later on)

Current Priorities

-Scalability and performance improvements (still working on this and optimizing)

-ERC1155 support

-Filter and Search Updates we have to do some restructuring to add the trait filtering (designs are done, we are implementing more search types and filtering and improving search performance and search recommendations).

-Reconfigure the Marketplace to be the homepage of Universe (Designs are being tweaked)

-NextJS integration to support improved SEO and OpenGraph for links to Collections, NFTs, and Users

Discord Revamp

The NFU server is becoming more community-friendly!

You may have noticed a change in the Discord! These changes are for growing our community and clear communications.

The Discord roles are getting restructured, so it’s easier to understand who is working on what — and what skills they have.

And some of you may have already seen the community center! 😏

Find the community center in the new Zenith category.

We recently added a getting started category. If you are a new or existing server member, head there to ensure you get all the advantages of being a community member!

  • You can now opt-in for notifications in our Discord! 🔔
  • Get vanity roles 🎭 (Identify your skills)

Lastly, we’ll be putting together a walkthrough for everyone to understand how to navigate the community center and get a better idea of its purpose.

Overview of changes;

  • Roles adjusted/created
  • New categories
  • Archived channels (inactivity)
  • Emojis for clear direction 🗺
  • Channels consolidated into new or existing categories

Join our community👇



Mark Ward

Mark is the DAO Operations Manager at Universe xyzDAO. Mark was involved in the early stages of BarnBridge development & is passionate about DeFi and NFTs.