Polymorphic Updates & Faces

Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2022
Available to Claim TOMORROW!

Here at Universe we have been brewing up some exciting new additions to the Polymorph ecosystem. First, an introduction to an upcoming launch that has been in the works since last year. Polymorphic Faces is an initiative in which the XYZ DAO had the opportunity to work with the incredible artists within our early community. The artists created some one-of-a-kind pieces that are visually fun and engaging for Polymorph fans. It is a collaborative project that utilizes an iteration of the chain genome technology that Polymorphs pioneered to allow genome scrambling & morphing. The goal is to create a collection of beautiful faces that can be mixed and matched to create a unique collage of art. Each artist was tasked with drawing one or a few faces that could be scrambled and aligned with the others. And with 34 different faces and 12 sections to fill (+ the background), scrambling them should be really interesting.

Check out the artists portfolio!

The artists had full creative freedom, with minimal guidelines besides a fixed silhouette necessary for the generative nature of the drop. The art has a cohesive flow showcasing the uniqueness of the artists, which is something the DAO is incredibly proud of. We will be doing features of all the artists on social media, so stay tuned for upcoming posts to get to know the visionaries behind the art.

Check out the artists portfolio!

As for the details on the release, the Polymorphic Faces project is a free claim NFT for all participants in our current Polymorphic burn to mint. To become eligible; you’ll need to burn a V1 Polymorph. The maximum supply is the same as the Polymorphs, and the Universe DAO reserves the right to mint from the collection if voted to do so. Purchasing V2 Polymorphs on secondary will not allow you to claim an allotment of Faces. For each V1 Polymorph you burn, you will be eligible to claim a Polymorphic Face on a 1:1 basis. So if you’ve burned one or many V1 Polymorphs, all you need to do tomorrow is visit https://polymorphs.universe.xyz/, sign in, select the amount of Faces to claim, and interact with the claim button.

There is no time limit to claim a Polymorphic Face, neither is there a time limit to burn your V1 Polymorphs. The Polymorphic Faces max supply is directly tethered to the supply of V2 Polymorphs.

With just under 1,000 V1 Polymorphs burned for V2s so far, Polymorphic Faces are shaping up to be pretty hard to get.

Check out the artists portfolio!

Another exciting thing we want to bring to your attention is that we have a brand new pricing structure for scrambling Polymorphic Faces. All single trait scrambles will follow the same price curve as Polymorphs but will start at .001ETH, instead of .01ETH with the full scramble is set to .005ETH.

In addition to this decision to lower the scrambling fees on the Polymorphic Faces, we have been working on a Universe NFT bridge that will allow you to migrate your Polymorphs and Faces back and forth between Polygon and ETH Mainnet. Also, the bridge will allow users to scramble their Polymorph assets with little to no gas fees and open the doors for even more interoperability between ecosystems!

The response we’ve received from Twitter and our community channels has been great, and we want to thank you all for your support! Recently we held a Twitter poll about the Akimbo Badge logic.

We are happy to announce that we have made some changes so that any V2 Polymorph with Degen Swords, regardless of color, will render an Akimbo Badge. This will not change the rarity chart structure and is only a cosmetic change.

We are eager to show you what we’ve been up to and the many more things to come and hope that everyone likes their new Polymorphic Faces!

Here’s a few things to keep your eyes out for in the future:

  • Release of the Polymorphic Polygon bridge
  • More Polymorphic Therapy!
  • Battle Universe Game (relies on being able to bridge your Polymorphs to Polygon)
  • Metaversian Republic Game (beta)
  • Deviants of Metaversia
  • Open sourcing 3D Polymorph assets

Oh! And if you need a pick me up (or you just like polymorphs), check out our most recent installment of Polymorphic Therapy!




I’m Zach @transmental, a street photographer and creative director turned blockchain enjoyer.