The Beginning of the Universe

Mark Ward


Today marks the big bang of the Universe ecosystem: the life source for NFTs can now come directly from the heart of the Universe Protocol.

Some reference it to be the absolute center of all creation, some call it a black hole, but those that know the truth simply call it the Universe Minting contracts. An immutable temple of unstoppable expansion that will push against the walls of centralization and censorship.

Today is the beginning of the Universe.

We are proud to announce that we are rolling out the first of our many contracts we have been building since April, our NFT minting contracts come with no limits. OpenSea announced they will placing more control on what you can and cannot do with their contracts. Universe will have fully permission-less contracts that will be immutable, meaning the NFTs will be permanent. We will not have limitations on the number of collections you can create, nor the amount of NFTs you can mint.

We could not launch with all the features we wanted so we will be slowly releasing more and more features as they are implemented, requested or voted on by the community. Within 6 weeks all the Minting contracts and Marketplace will be fully operational and ready for everyone to use at free will.

OpenSea announced they will be placing more control on what you can and cannot do with their contracts. Universe will have fully permission-less contracts that will be immutable while the NFTs will be permanent. We will not have contract limitations on collections or the amount of NFTs in a collection.

With OpenSea’s announcement we decided to hustle up and ship, as we feel these types of centralized decisions are destructive to the ecosystem, which the Universe contributors do not take lightly. Universe is a decentralized protocol, governed by the XYZ token. This means that the team cannot make decisions without the community’s support. New features, contracts and UI changes can be promoted by the community and can be voted on through governance. The Universe DAO is very powerful and controls all things Universe.

Universe Minting is the first of many steps and we will continue to roll out new features and add smart contract capabilities. An important thing about Universe is we have the ability to build around and on top of contracts because the protocol is open-source. As such we have implemented support for a variety of standards, including ERC2981Royalties and ERC721Consumable. We are especially excited, as the former allows for universal royalties, while the latter allows all Universe-minted NFTs to be rented out on EnterDAO!

We will slowly be releasing a years worth of contracts in multiples stages.

The Next few Weeks…

These next few weeks we will be rolling out our full protocol and continue to upgrade and improve our contracts to better support artists and collectors of the Metaverse.

We will be launching our Auction house that will consists of different Auction types like our 3LAU style auction created for this NFT album drop. Anyone will be able to create and customize their own landing page for their auctions.

Universe Marketplace is about 6 weeks away and we could not be more proud of what we have to share with the community. We will be working on integrations with other communities and collections to gain the most utility for users in one platform. For instance we wanna bring the ENTRDAO Landworks land renting to the UI very soon or jumping directly from your NFT page to your Decentraland plot or Fluf World Burrow.

Essentially everything and anything can plug into Universe including the metaverse.

Our Marketplace will be the protocol layer of NFTs where anyone can connect to our open-source contracts and gain access to the Universe NFT listings. The best way to describe this would be a comparison to how Uniswap works, Zapper for instance uses Uniswap contracts but create their own front end that can handle the swap but Zapper doesn't wanna compete for liquidity so they go directly to the liquidity. When you list something on Universe it is for sale on the protocol level not the front end level.

Our Marketplace will also have a Listing control center like Opensea and Rarible have released over the recent debacle of people getting hacked via Opensea front-end.

We want to unleash the power of what an NFT marketplace can be rigged with social tools, metaverse capability, galleries, art, experiences, information and much more.

Welcome to our Universe lets expand it together!



Mark Ward

Mark is the DAO Operations Manager at Universe xyzDAO. Mark was involved in the early stages of BarnBridge development & is passionate about DeFi and NFTs.