Tuesday April 12th Universe Marketplace Update

Mark Ward
Apr 12, 2022


Current Priorities

-Scalability and performance improvements

-ERC1155 support

-Airdrop page for the Universe xyzDAO pages (Fixing an issue before release)

-Filter and Search Updates are still being worked on, we have to do some restructuring to add the trait filtering (we are implementing more search types and filtering and improving search performance and search recommendations).

-Search Engine Optimization was fixed this past week and is being tested

-Ledger wallet sign (In progress)

-Custom scrapers — Hashmask (finished by eow)

-Reconfigure the Marketplace to be the homepage of Universe (Deprioritized at the moment will be a focus next week)



Mark Ward

Mark is the DAO Operations Manager at Universe xyzDAO. Mark was involved in the early stages of BarnBridge development & is passionate about DeFi and NFTs.