Universe Protocol Pivot?

Troy Murray
3 min readJul 27, 2022


With great excitement, Tim Kang ⁙ illestrater, Troy Murray, and Tyler Scott Ward have decided to pivot our marketplace protocol and move forward with a stronger strategic direction.

Today, NFT enthusiasts tend to use a handful of web applications, platforms, and marketplaces to buy, sell, mint, auction, and trade non-fungible tokens. In the not-so-distant future, we anticipate that fans and collectors will interact with NFTs across a wider variety of platforms and locations, such as in games, virtual worlds, and even real life — at music concerts, sports matches, or art galleries, for example. Consequently, the evolving NFT universe needs new tools and infrastructures to deliver the flexibility and superior experience that brands, artists, and creators need in order to connect with consumers.

We plan to temporarily close our decentralized NFT marketplace to migrate the back-end database to a more robust system ready to implement multi-chain support and layer 2 solutions. While migration is in progress, we will be shifting our public focus to further develop and promote our plug-and-play widget that enables anyone to embed NFT commerce functionality -minting, selling, auctioning, etc.- into any platform, including mobile apps, websites, and software. If the Shopify of NFTs and the Stripe of NFTs had a baby, it would be NFT Embed.

Soft launching today, the widget-based online tool offers simplicity and speed. All users need to do is: (1) Complete the input fields, (2) Identify the platform where the NFTs will appear, (3) Copy-paste the embed code provided into the platform’s HTML editor, and (4) Go live. As the marketplace functionality and wallet connection is fully integrated into the user’s platform, they have full control over their brand image and the customer experience.

Full NFT marketplace and WEB3 wallet functionality in a widget.

Today, our plug-and-play widget supports single NFTs and the ERC-721 token standard. In two weeks, at the official launch, it will also support collections and the ERC-1155 token standard.

A select group of early champions have implemented the protocol on their platforms and websites. Transmental and aeforia are using it to sell NFTs directly to consumers and all of Graviton’s portals and products are built on top of it, including their live streaming and patronage platforms. As the industry progresses forward, we expect a myriad of companies, brands, and individuals to take advantage of our back-end functionality to help build and nurture strong direct-to-consumer relationships and help consumers verify that your NFTs are authentic, which in turn grows loyalty and profits. For more information and to learn how to generate code to embed your NFTs, watch the short demo video at the top of the page or head over to NFTEmbed.org.

We have also decided to put in a vote to drop the fees of the protocol down to 0.3%. This will make Universe Protocol the cheapest NFT trading protocol on the market and hopefully will incentivize people to use on aggregators. We are currently working with Gem. Check out the proposal below.


To learn more about Universe, join the main community chat on Discord. To get involved and have your say in the DAO, head over to our governance page, sign into and connect your crypto wallet (top-right “Sign in” button), and then deposit $XYZ to get voting rights. Current proposals can be viewed on the proposals section of our website.

