11 walls on campus to refresh your Instagram feed

University of Leeds
University of Leeds
5 min readOct 24, 2018

Your grid is looking pretty great at the moment; the Hogwarts shot, Parky at night, coffee gently steaming around your hands in the morning. With lots of new followers from your course, your flat and people who you’ve met along the way, you’re going to be looking for the perfect backdrop for your next post. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Among the stunning buildings and relaxing places to chill, campus surely has to be one of the best for Instagram walls. Not sure what we’re talking about? Read on…

On the side of Stage@Leeds is a wonderful sculpture by Hubert Dalwood titled… well… Untitled Bas-Relief. The neutral grey surface is perfect for all weathers and it is one of our favourite spots should we ever want to show off our outfit of the day. Which we often do.

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Leeds is a red brick University. (a phrase to describe the nine civic universities that were set up in the major industrial cities in England in the last 19th century and early 20th century — the other eight are Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Reading, Nottingham and Newcastle, fact fans). Because you’re at a red brick University, you’ll want some genuine red brick right? Clothworkers Building Central is a perfect candidate.

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You know what they say, ‘the simpler, the better’. A plain background is sometimes just what you want to really show off that new coat from town, or that sick top you got from the charity shop last weekend. It’s not as easy to find a plain white wall on campus as you think it would be. But we’ve found the perfect one for you. Strike a pose!

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Sometimes the background can really accentuate how great you are. The bulbs and reflections in the Edit Room windows (Edward Boyle library) add softer shapes to the hard lines of the sixties concrete. And with you centre stage, the composition is just the job to make a winning pic you’ll be proud of.

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Looking for something to post your Insta story? Thankfully those architects who designed the School of Media and Communication had clearly been thinking of design for the future, and knew the portrait had as much currency as the landscape when it comes to strong backgrounds. Check this out.

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It’s not all brick and stone you know. Covering the Great Hall is an amazing Virginia Creeper. From the lush green foliage of spring and summer to the vibrant orange, yellow and reds of September and October, it’s a perfect seasonal backdrop, a backdrop for all seasons. Why not take one in all four seasons and post them all up at once in a year’s time, if you can wait that long!

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If you’re not looking for a two dimensional backdrop, then the soothing grey blocks of Stage@Leeds bring something modern, contemporary and cool to your stream. The sharp, angular lines are a perfect contrast to you, with your uniqueness and full of life attitude!

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Excellent — you’ve got an hour before the next lecture, but surprise, surprise, it’s raining outside. We’re in Leeds of course. This happens. Don’t panic, we got you covered. There’s one building, one perfect spot on campus where you can get a special lovely backdrop. You don’t even need to worry about the rain (which has to be good news eh?). This, friends, is the Union. Magnificently updated in 2017, they must have had this sort of idea in mind when plans were drawn up.

In the main entrance before you go down to the shops and market is something you’ll have walked past hundreds of times. It’s a door on the left with a heart round it. Have you noticed it before? You will now!

Head downstairs to the Common Ground. Been there? It’s definitely worth it, whether you’re looking for a place to hang out over lunch, catch some quiet time studying or meeting up for Global Community after classes on Mondays, it’s a dream come true for the ultimate selfie! Check out these super cool spots.

Heart shaped box(es). Perfect for off face lighting, or background. This is your photo stream, this is you, you chose.

Pop art — bold colours, strong shapes and lines, all perfect for single colour clothing and more importantly, you.

Psychedelic. They’re everywhere now you’ve got your eye in aren’t they? You can now see them a mile off — that perfect background for you to show off your finest pose. This background? A couple of prints in a corridor by some steps!

It took about an hour to get all of these snaps. Campus is an amazing place for whatever type of pics you want to take. If this is your style, then go for it. Get your eye in, and you’ll find millions of places like these on campus. What are you waiting for?

Big thanks to Jessica, Antoinette, Marianna and Levi!

