How the Foundation Year transformed my life

University of Leeds
University of Leeds
3 min readMay 9, 2024

Katharine Charlton wasn’t sure a university degree was right for her, but the Foundation Year changed her mind and now she’s following her creative passions.

Katharine sat a desk in front of windows. She is using a laptop and smiling.

Following the completion of my A-levels four years earlier, I began looking for my next chapter and discovered the Foundation Year taught by the Lifelong Learning Centre (LLC).

Following my passion in a caring environment

I wasn’t sure university was for me, however the Foundation Year allowed me to pursue my passion in the arts and be creative.

Before starting my Foundation Year course, I had the opportunity to speak to some of my course teachers at the LLC so they could gauge what I was interested in and take the time to get to know me.

The sense of community that the Foundation Year provided really helped me to adjust to life at the University. I found the environment at the LLC caring and nurturing, the teachers were engaged in discussions with other students, and I felt that I had built a real connection with my two main teachers – Maddie and David – who I would see each week in lectures and seminars.

Katherine sat at a desk with another student. They are working with laptops and smiling.

Despite my concerns and worries about starting university, I overcame these obstacles by meeting people and making new friends. Being part of a close-knit cohort during the Foundation Year also helped me, as I found I was interacting with people from all walks of life.

The friends I made during my Foundation Year are the same friends I’ve now chosen to live with a year on.

Next steps as an undergraduate at Leeds

I found that the Foundation Year acted as a bridge to my chosen undergraduate degree, making the transition easier and achievable.

The broad nature of my course, BA Liberal Arts, provides me with an opportunity to delve into several disciplines. It’s helped me figure out exactly what I want to pursue.

Being at the University has also given me the chance to participate in a musical theatre society on campus, something I’m passionate about.

Katharine chatting to a member of staff in the Lifelong Learning Centre. Both are smiling.

I believe that if you’re struggling to decide which path to take, and you’re not sure if university is for you, completing a Foundation Year at the University of Leeds can be hugely beneficial.

The support I received from my teachers during my year with the LLC, the academic training I was involved in and the grades I achieved, all proved I was capable of studying at a university level and helped cement my decision to continue to my undergraduate degree.

