Revision without walls

University of Leeds
University of Leeds
5 min readMay 1, 2018

It’s sunny outside, and you’re putting off that trip to Laidlaw to do some revision. You know you’ve left it too late to get your favourite seat anyway, so what now? Here are some familiar places and a few new ones to check out.

On campus

We’ve got some amazing green space on campus. Countless studies have shown the importance of nature and fresh air in wellbeing, so why not look after yourself and revise at the same time?

St George’s field

Our favourite secret oasis of calm on campus, St Georges field is peaceful and sooo relaxing, perfect for sitting on the grass, or against a tree and getting a few chapters re-read or doing some note-making. There’s plenty of Uni buildings nearby, so if it gets too cold you’re only a couple of minutes away from shelter.

Outside Edward Boyle Library

A fairly new addition to the Edward Boyle Library, the seating area outside is a bit like two for the price of one. You’re kind of in the library, but outside, if you know what I mean? It gets busy, but don’t worry if you can’t get a seat, you can always sit on the grass. Depending on circumstances, you might even be able to get wifi, which is always a result.

Business School grass

The outside area by Business School and Law is ideal for a spot of revision without walls. With numerous benches and grass, you’re never too far away from shelter should the weather take a turn for the worse, or you need an emergency kettle-based drink.

Sustainable garden

If someone told you that sitting outside a funny looking large concrete building in the middle of campus would be a relaxing and peaceful experience before you came to Uni, you’d have thought they may be talking rubbish.

However, nestled at the foot of the Roger Stevens building is the Sustainable garden, part allotment, part wildflower meadow and it’s wonderful. Perfect for some revision, there are a few benches and a bit of grass to sit on while the fruit and vegetables slowly grow ready for their midsummer harvest.

Roger Steven’s pond

A real sun trap, the benches around the Roger Stevens pond are perfect for losing yourself in a book or your studies. It’s a bright and peaceful spot, which is surprising, considering the amount of foot traffic that goes past. With the Waterside Café right next door for refuelling purposes, you’ll get on well here. And this is where the ducks live. Yes, this is duck territory.

Behind the union

Who would have thought that somewhere right in the middle of campus would be a calm and quiet place to study? Behind the Union, near stage@leeds is ticking many of the outside revision boxes. Wifi, grass, benches, not too secluded, with plenty of places to shelter in if it rains or suddenly drops to temperatures more normally experienced at the North Pole.

In Leeds

There are also some amazing places across the city where you can get some work done out in the open.

Roundhay Park

This beautiful park has it all; large lakes, extensive grass, woodlands and ornamental gardens. You’ll struggle with wifi here, but if you fancy a break from it where you can get a few hours of work surrounded by beautiful scenery, then this one is definitely worth a visit.

Hyde Park

You’ll have been here a million times, and why not? How amazing to have a lovely and marvellous green space like this near to Uni. It’s not just a place you shuffle bleary-eyed through to that 9am lecture, why not pack your bag and head out here for a couple of hours for revision instead? Ominous grey clouds building? No worries — it’s pretty near Uni for shelter.

By the River

Flowing through the centre of Leeds is the River Aire, a serene and tranquil place in the midst of a bustling city. Find a bench or grassy bank and settle in for the afternoon or you fancy a break, why not hop on the water taxi from Leeds Dock to the station — it’s free!

Kirkstall abbey

The Cistercian monks who built Kirkstall Abbey about 900 years ago knew a thing or two about peace and tranquillity. Although at times it can be busy nowadays, particularly on a weekend, head down here in the week and you’ll find the picturesque ruins and the waters of the River Aire gliding past a perfect backdrop for you while you get on with studying.

Hanover Square

Overlooked by an impressive Victorian mansion, Hanover square is a small but pleasant spot with a circular path and several benches, ideal for getting out of the house if you live nearby. What’s not to like?

Woodhouse Square

Like its next door neighbour Hanover Square, Woodhouse Square is very similar, only smaller. However, don’t let that put you off — you don’t need that much room to spread out! A 7 or 8 minute walk from Worsley building, the soft shade of the large ornamental trees make this a lovely secret outdoor space to work in.

Park Square

Although this place can get busy, it’s easy to see why. With its deckchairs and beautifully laid out flower beds, Park Square is a great spot in the middle of the city. Careful if you’re going on a lunchtime — it’s really popular with the office types nearby, but head along late afternoon and you’ll be rewarded with the long shadows and sheltered warmth provided by the surrounding tastefully gentrified buildings.

