Seven top tips for learning at home

University of Leeds
University of Leeds
4 min readMar 18, 2020

Studying from home? Here’s some top tips to get you started if you’re new to this.


When you’re learning on campus, there’s very much a routine and familiar structure. When you’re studying in your room, you have to rebuild the classroom. You’ll find out learning has to be done in real time, and what you can do in your own time. Why not put together a timetable for what happens and when? When you’ve got that in place, make a list of daily tasks, and then block out the next few days with longer term things to do.

Routines are things we have control over. A good routine gives you confidence and is empowering.

Change your location

But I’m stuck in my room! Why not get creative and move from the desk? Sometimes a change of location can mean seeing things from a different perspective. Don’t forget to make sure your back is supported and you’re comfortable.

Changing your location can give you a different outlook on things, and can help create new ideas.

Switch up your schedule

Are you an early bird or a night owl? If your online learning isn’t happening in real time, think about when you work best. It’s a great time to find a routine that works for you, and also, don’t be afraid to change it if it’s not working, or is getting dull. Use your planner to begin putting in times when you’re on top form, and if you’re in touch with someone who keeps similar hours, then don’t forget to keep in touch.

Play to your strengths — work when you’re at your best. You’re in charge!

Keep hydrated

You know this, but many people forget to drink lots of water, and miss out on the important health benefits, whether it’s temperature regulation or fewer headaches. If you’re one of those who forgets, set alarms, get a water tracker or reminder app. Taking time out to make a kettle based drink can give you just the break you need!

Water is vital for a huge range of health reasons. Keep drinking!

Stay in touch with your friends and family

You’ve probably already got the products or apps installed on devices, but think creatively about how you use them. A new course group, or family group might be just what you need to keep up to date. If you’re working online, your school or course tutor may be able to suggest other ways of staying in the loop. If you’ve got the technology, why not try something different, like a room tour, or video diary you can share with those who may be far away. Digital coffee morning anyone?

Who are you going to call today?

Where can I get help from?

Let’s break this down into sections — we’ve added in some links which may help.


Online help desk — a service who can help you get sorted if things break down or don’t work like they should.

Mental health

There may be times when you want to talk or chat online to someone different about how you’re feeling.

Big White Wall is a safe place to talk, share and support others like you. The free service is available 24/7 and has trained professionals available, as well as self assessment and a wider range of self-guided courses do do at your own pace.

Get your Mind Plan — National Health Service (NHS) guide for every mind matters, with guides and advice for a range of different situations, including anxiety, low mood, stress and sleep.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you’re feeling unwell with a high temperature or new, continuous cough, then find out what the latest NHS Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice is.

Why not use a notes app to store all your contact details for the time you’re learning at home?

Have a break and do something different

As well as resting your eyes from the screen or page, it’s vital to do other things. Start with a list of things you want to do — whether it’s binge watching the latest Netflix show, or getting lost in the pages of a new book. Why not add in some new and different things too — fancy learning a language, taking up a new hobby or beginning something creative — are you the next million subscriber YouTuber and didn’t even know it yet? And of course, don’t forget your exercise routine of course — many apps are going free for a bit, from yoga to workouts.

Are you going to take up a new hobby?

Remember to always look after yourself, and make sure you’re in touch with others. Why not call or send a message to someone you haven’t spoken to for a while and make their day?

