Reading Lists Online: User Guide

UML Reading List team
6 min readApr 30, 2019


(27/06/19) This guide has been replaced by our Reading Lists Online: User Guides publication. Please refer to these guides for the most current help and information.

Students studying in the Library

Reading Lists Online enables us to deliver your teaching resources in the most efficient and effective way available in line with our Purchasing Policy.

Follow the steps below by 28 June 2019 to ensure your reading list and any new teaching resources you need are available for the 2019/20 academic year.

From 1 July 2019, a more detailed user guide will be available to help you use Reading Lists Online.

A. Your reading lists are currently in Link2Lists

B. Your reading lists are not currently in Link2Lists

If you have any questions, you can contact the Reading Lists Team via or 0161 306 5892.

A. Your reading lists are currently in Link2Lists

You will need to check your lists and add appropriate tags to ensure resources are ready for September.

You can do this in three simple steps.

  1. Log in
  2. Check your list
  3. Tag your items

You may also want to:

4. Edit your list

5. Request new teaching resources

6. Create a new list

1. Log in

To log in to Reading Lists Online, navigate to the Reading Lists Online homepage. From September 2019 you will also be able to log in via the Blackboard portal.

  • Use your university username and password to log in to the system.
  • The first time you log in you will see the Reading List Online welcome pages. Scroll through the welcome pages by clicking ‘NEXT’.
  • Page 3 will show you how to add the ‘Cite it!’ button to your browser bookmarks toolbar. From 28th June you’ll use the Cite it! button to easily add items to your reading list. We will give you more instructions on how to use this closer to the time.

2. Check your list

Your reading lists will appear under the ‘My Lists’ tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

  • Click on each of your lists and check the items are correct.
  • If your list has not appeared, or there are errors, please contact the Reading Lists team via including your module code and details of the errors.

3. Tag your items

For the Library to ensure we have the correct amount of provision for our students, you will need to tag each item on your lists with a level of importance.

Selecting the correct item importance will allow us to purchase resources in line with the Library’s Purchasing Policy. Your items may already have tags, so please check these are correct.

  • For each book or ebook, click on the ‘Set item importance for library purchase’ button and select an importance tag from the drop down menu.
  • Please note, you do not need to tag items such as journals or websites.
Screenshot: Setting item importance for library purchase

What do the different importance tags mean?

Core — all students are required to use this text extensively throughout the length of their course.

Essential —all students should read this text throughout their course.

Recommended — students should read this text (in addition to any essential reading) in order to gain a better understanding for a seminar or essay.

Further reading — students should read this text for a wider and deeper understanding.

Distance Learning — select this tag if your reading list is for a module offered on a distance learning course.

Screenshot: adding the ‘Essential’ and ‘Distance Learning’ tags
  • If your reading list is for a module offered on a distance learning course, you will need to add a second tag. To do this, click on the ‘Set item importance for library purchase’ button and select the ‘Distance Learning’ tag.
  • Click the ‘SAVE’ button.
  • Click the ‘SUBMIT CHANGES TO LIBRARY’ button at the top of your list.
Screenshot: Submitting changes to the library

Note: items on a reading list will only be purchased if their importance level is set and the list is submitted to the library.

4. Edit your list

If you need to add or remove items from your reading list, please contact the Reading Lists team on

Please include your module code, along with a clearly annotated list of items you wish to be edited on your list.

5. Request new teaching resources

If you wish to request new teaching resources:

  • Compile a list of new teaching resources in a format that suits you, for example, in a Word document or in the body of an email.
  • Indicate the importance of each item you want the library to purchase.
  • Send your list to the Reading List team on

6. Create a new list

If you need to create a new reading list, the Reading List team will add it to Reading Lists Online for you. To ensure we can do this:

  • Compile your reading list in a format that suits you, for example, in a Word document or email.
  • Indicate the importance of each item and flag any new items that you want the Library to purchase.
  • Send your list to the Reading List team on
  • Where possible, the Reading List team will add all items on a reading list. We guarantee that we will add all core, essential and recommended items.

B. Your reading lists are not currently in Link2Lists

The Reading Lists team will add your list to Reading Lists Online for you.

Compile your reading list in a format that suits you, for example, in a Word document or in the body of an email.

Include the importance of each item and flag any new items that you want the Library to purchase. Please also include your module code.

What do the different importance tags mean?

Core — all students are required to use this text extensively throughout the length of their course.

Essential — all students should read this text throughout their course.

Recommended — students should read this text (in addition to any essential reading) in order to gain a better understanding for a seminar or essay.

Further reading — students should read this text for a wider and deeper understanding.

Distance Learning — select this tag if your reading list is for a module offered on a distance learning course.

  • If your reading list is for a module offered on a distance learning course, you will need to add a second tag. To do this, click on the ‘Set item importance for library purchase’ button and select the ‘Distance Learning’ tag.

Email your list to the Reading List team:

Where possible, the Reading List team will add all items on a reading list. We guarantee that we will add all core, essential and recommended items.

Any questions? Contact the Reading Lists Team by email on or 0161 306 5892

(27/06/19) This guide has been replaced by our Reading Lists Online: User Guides publication. Please refer to these guides for the most current help and information.

A person studying



UML Reading List team

This is the Medium account for the University of Manchester Library’s Reading List team.