Murakoze, Rwanda

Sunrise over homes Rwanda on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020, in Gasanze, Kigali. My character begins her day each morning at 6 a.m. at her cousin’s home.

Before this trip, I had never left the country. It is hard for me to even begin to describe how this trip has changed my life. Not to sound too cheesy, but this trip has made me realize how big this world really is. I have seen so little of it, and there is so much more I want to experience. Similarly, I have realized how small my problems are. The things I used to complain about at home like slow Wi-Fi and 8 a.m. classes are insignificant. The people I have been working with the past three weeks deal with harder situations and react positively. I have worked on my outlook and have made a conscious effort to be more positive.

My character reads her faith book outside of her home on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020, in Kigali, Rwanda. Every Sunday morning my character teaches a junior youth class to children ages 11–15 in the surrounding area.

Coming into this trip, I always dreamed of working for a nonprofit. I wanted a job that would allow me to use photography and videography to help others. This trip fits with that goal perfectly. After going on the trip, I feel even more certain of my dreams. If anything, this trip has solidified my goals and helped me motivate myself. I have also learned that I love documentary videography. Before this trip, I was much less confident in my videography skills. Now I love videography just as much as photography. I would love to be able to do work like this for the rest of my life. I now feel more motivated to continue working hard and pursuing photography and videography.

My Character rides on the back of bicycle taxi on her way to work on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020 in Gasanze, Kigali, Rwanda. Every day my character takes one bicycle taxi, two busses and a motorbike to get to work. The process takes about an hour each way.

Without this trip, I think I would have questioned my dreams and always wondered how I would react in difficult situations. I now feel more confident in my skills and abilities. I am so grateful for this opportunity and all I have experienced throughout the trip. While the trip did not change my plans for the future, it definitely gave me more confidence in my goals.


What I’ve Learned:

