Odochi Akwani

Name: Odochi Akwani

Age: 21

Hometown: Omaha, Neb.

Current Residence: Lincoln, Neb.

Birth Date: October 27, 1998

Major(s): Journalism and advertising and public relations

Clubs/Activities: VP of Creative Commons, Account and Creative Services Intern at KidGlov

Lifestyle and General Interest Profile:

I love weekend trips to camp and hike.

I enjoy reading classics and journaling

Nowadays I seem to listen to more podcasts than music

Academic Recap (What you’ve done so far and why you enrolled in this class):

I’ve taken Professor Thorson’s Multimedia Photojournalism class and I enrolled in the Global Eyewitness Program because I want to share stories of a culture of people we often don’t hear about in the western world as well as learn about the people through immersion in their country.

Social Channels:

Facebook — Odochi Akwani

Twitter — @odochiakwani

Instagram — @odochiakwani



Odochi Akwani
University of Nebraska Lincoln: Global Eyewitness Rwanda

Name: Odochi Akwani Age: 21 Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska Current Residence: Lincoln, Neb. Birth Date: October 27, 1998 Major(s): Journalism