Week 3 Update: Being truly grateful

In Rwanda, I really gained perspective on how to be truly grateful for what I have and where I am. It’s really nothing I earned at all. It’s just where I was lucky to be born. Through listening to stories from different people I met, I immediately changed the way I look at every aspect of my life. Whether that’s family and friend relationships or classes in college, I have an underlying appreciation and gratefulness for all these things in my life.

A teen and his nephew sit together outside their home on Jan. 7, 2020. The teen takes care of his nephew all day while the young boy’s mom is in prison.

2019 was a really difficult year for me, and being in Rwanda really helped me in ways I’m slowing realizing. I feel much more confident and comfortable in my surroundings, and I believe it’s from being surrounded by people who are easy to talk with and who also look like me. For once, I was not the minority. Being in Rwanda also immediately changed how I view my abilities in photojournalism. I believe I am capable of doing this kind of work because of seeing the skills I’ve learned in action while on this trip. And, in general, I’m much more comfortable being uncomfortable.

A young boy washes water over his head on Jan. 2, 2020 in Kigali, Rwanda. He had just been skating at the Kigali Skateaid skatepark.

A potential change for my future would be that from this experience I now see myself traveling or even living in a different country. The culture and the way people are is a bit different than in the United States. There is a bigger focus on group relations as opposed to individual and because of that, it felt much easier to connect and talk to the people I met. I honestly see myself going back to Rwanda to visit more of what it has to offer and even visiting more countries in Africa. I don’t think I see myself doing this as a career in the future, but it’s been a good learning experience.

Two friends walk down the street holding their skateboards on Jan. 4, 2020. They were on their way to the Kigali Skateaid skatepark after meeting up together in the neighborhood they both come from.

Related links:

My bio

What I Learned — Week 1

Highlight of the Week — Week 2



Odochi Akwani
University of Nebraska Lincoln: Global Eyewitness Rwanda

Name: Odochi Akwani Age: 21 Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska Current Residence: Lincoln, Neb. Birth Date: October 27, 1998 Major(s): Journalism