What I Learned: They use their past as their motivation to do better, to be better and to love harder.

When I told my friends and family about my plans to travel to Rwanda with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Global Eyewitness group, they told me this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Little did I know, I would have the opportunity and privilege to visit this country not just once in my lifetime, but twice, both in under one year. As I am riding in the car on the way to a meeting, I can’t help but stare out of the window in awe at the lush, vibrant green vegetation that covers the “Land of a Thousand Hills.” Rwanda’s landscape is breathtaking and its people are incredibly resilient. During my first trip in May, I was blown away at how something so devastating such at the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi could happen, yet Rwandans continue to be united in growing and moving forward for the sake of their country. The reconciliation and unification of the country is apparent everywhere you look. Unless a visitor had prior knowledge, they would not be able to tell that Rwandans were once separated and the country was destroyed in the process. Something I learned during the last trip is that forgiving sets you free, even if the person is not sorry. I have learned and witnessed firsthand that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. They use their past as their motivation to do better, to be better and to love harder. Despite their past, Rwandans are building their country to be stronger, safer and more unified for future generations. They are proud to be Rwandan. During this trip, this has only been reiterated. Harboring hateful feelings and bitterness will only hold you back. I’ve learned to become more grateful for each day, to take it as it comes and to understand that each person I meet is fighting their own battle. I am so grateful for the time I spent in Rwanda in May and so blessed to be back in this beautiful country for a second time. I am learning so much about their country, their history and their people, I can’t wait to come back and share it with everyone back home.



Global Eyewitness
University of Nebraska Lincoln: Global Eyewitness Rwanda

Students in UNL’s Global Eyewitness one-of-a-kind multimedia journalism program traveled to Rwanda to report on issues of people in need.