24 Hours with Jameson Margetts

This summer, I was selected to be an orientation leader for New Student Enrollment. Our job is to welcome first-year Huskers and their families to campus! Each day is jam-packed with a busy schedule but it leaves lots of room for fun with the other orientation leaders.

My name is Jameson Margetts! I’m a senior studying secondary English education from Chadron, Nebraska, and I’m going to be taking you through a day in my life!

The sun rises over campus

6:15am | An early wake-up call to kick off the morning! Time to prepare for the day ahead!

Jameson takes a selfie at breakfast with other NSE leaders

6:50am | A group of orientation leaders always heads to get breakfast at the dining hall. Gotta fuel up to start off the day right!

Jameson takes a selfie at the check in desks

7:30am | My morning assignment is to work at the check-in station. It’s important to have a smile on and be welcoming so the new students feel right at home.

Orientation Leaders line up on stage for introductions

8:30am | Welcome session starts! This is where the orientation leaders are introduced to the students and the guests learn their agenda for the day.

Leaders assemble packets

9:00am | At morning meeting, we do daily affirmations and go over the day’s events as each day is different. Today is a POWER day meaning that I will lead a group of students today! We alternate our days between student and parent/family groups.

10:45am | Time to meet my students! Today I have students from the College of Fine and Performing Arts! Lucky group 13!

Jameson takes a BeReal with his group of incoming students

11:45am | Life of a Husker begins! Life of a Husker is a series of rotations that the new students take part in to prepare them for college life! These rotations include activities where the students get to meet their peers and ask important questions about what they want to get out of their college experience.

Flowers bloom outside Love Library

3:15pm | Finished with the orientation day! Headed back to the Village to rest up for the night’s activities!

Jameson takes a photo of him and other leaders at the gym

4:30pm | Hitting the gym with some fellow orientation leaders! I like to work out with friends so they can give me tips on what to do!

Orientation Leaders take a selfie at dinner

5:30pm | Dinner time! I always get so hungry after our long orientation day, and the dining hall always fills me up.

Leaders take a photo as the sit outside Sheldon for a free concert during Jazz in June

7:00pm | We headed out to Jazz in June at the Sheldon Museum on campus to enjoy some jazz music! We played cards and listened to the artists in each other’s company! I love going to fun events like this throughout Lincoln.

Students play sand volleyball as the sun sets

8:30 pm | When we walked back to the Village, we found some of the other orientation leaders playing sand volleyball outside. I can’t say no to some sand volleyball, so I played with them for a little before heading inside.

9:15 pm | This is when I start my nighttime routine. I’m not always diligent about being this early, but I try to be in my bed by 9:30 pm so that I can get a full night’s rest for the next day!

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