Behind the Scenes: Campus Recreation with Zac Brost

Zac looks up through the net of a basketball hoop

Zac Brost, the associate director of Campus Recreation, understands his team’s role in making a positive impact on the student experiences. Among renovations and updates, Zac is passionate about eliminating barriers for students and allowing them to thrive in college and succeed in the future.

What is your role within the university and what does it entail?

As an associate director at Campus Recreation, I oversee the following areas: Outdoor Adventures (climbing wall, adventure trips, equipment rental, bike shop), sport programs (Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs, Youth Activities), instruction (academic classes) and aquatics and outdoor facilities. I work with the teams that provide services and programming in those areas. My role is to help eliminate barriers to programs and activities, increase student learning, support my teams, and provide overall direction to the department.

What is your favorite part of your job?

Having the opportunity to play a role in our students’ development and pursuit of success is what drives me. I believe that when students find their community and purpose on this campus, success follows. Playing a role in accomplishing this with our students is what fires me up.

Is there anything you think people don’t know/would be interested to know about the work that goes on behind the scenes in the Campus Recreation Center?

I don’t know how many people understand the amount of thought, work, and care that goes into something as simple as opening the building every day, much less organizing the programs and services available for students to take part in. There is an awful lot of effort and a whole lot of moving parts that go into providing all of the things Campus Recreation offers in a safe, fun, yet challenging environment.

I’ll use the Outdoor Adventures Center as an example. On a normal day, the building gets cleaned overnight in preparation for the next day. A combination of professional and student staff opens the building and conduct business, which includes: the front desk, the climbing center, equipment rental, bike shop and adventure trips. Each of those areas has its own unique challenges and expertise, so hours of training go into preparing for the variety of situations we may encounter. Equipment must be checked for safety before we ever let a member on the wall or check out a piece for personal use. Routes get set, reset, changed, etc. consistently to ensure our “regulars” continue to be challenged on the climbing wall. Equipment must be maintained and prepared for rentals, trips, academic classes, etc. Trip leaders spend hours preparing logistics for trips ranging from an evening at the lake, to a week canoeing the Rio Grande. The list goes on and on, and this is all happens nearly every day of the year!

How can students stay involved and active in the Campus Rec during upgraded renovations?

We actually will not see any interruption in the vast majority of Campus Recreation’s offerings during the renovation project. While the Campus Recreation Center’s swimming pool will be closed during the renovation project, we are working on alternative opportunities to participate in aquatic activities. Beyond that, students can continue to participate in group fitness classes, intramural sports, sport clubs, academic classes, or informal recreation in the Campus Recreation Center!

Zac smiles for a photo as students run on the treadmills behind him

In 2017, you were recognized as a Regional Award of Merit winner for your exceptional dedication and support of students and staff in extramural sports. What does this honor mean to you?

I was honored to be recognized for my work in supporting students. Professionally, there is nothing more important to me than helping students succeed. Everyone has a goal when they get to college. As a professional in my role, I get to help students achieve their goals and navigate a time of great change. This is a time where students are finding independence, learning what they want to do with the next step of their lives and forging relationships they will keep for the rest of their lives. I am passionate about helping students find success through the ups and downs of the college experience. I get to play a role in helping students learn some of the key lessons that will contribute to future success. To be recognized for doing a job I am passionate about was a proud moment for me.

Talk about the importance of intramural, recreational activities and opportunities for college students. Why should students not only utilize Campus Recreation resources, but take advantage of trying something new at the Rec?

Involvement is critical for our students. We know that students that are engaged on campus are more likely to find their community. Those that find community are more likely to stay in school, pass the classes they attempt and are more likely to graduate. Students that engage with us do so in a fun, safe, yet challenging environment. These challenging times lead to growth, and often to a lifelong wellness endeavor.

How has the Campus Recreation Center evolved over the years?

A constant at Campus Recreation is that we are always evolving. Some changes are more obvious, such as facility renovations and improvements to both our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our Outdoor Adventures program was formerly tucked into the back of the Campus Recreation Center, with the climbing “gym” located on a wall on a basketball court. Today, one of the jewels of Campus Recreation is the Outdoor Adventures Center, featuring the tallest climbing wall in the state of Nebraska, our gear rental center, bike shop, and headquarters for adventure trips. With facility improvements, our participation in these areas has boomed. Another highlight during my time here has been the renovation of the Recreation & Wellness Center on East Campus. That facility was in dire need of a facelift as it hadn’t been upgraded in decades. Now that facility is beautiful and features strength and conditioning spaces, an indoor track, demonstration kitchen, a multipurpose gym and basketball gym and even a golf simulator!

As facilities have improved, so have programs and services. I don’t believe Campus Recreation always leaned into its role in students’ educational process and the impact we have on student learning. We have become intentional in our programs about helping students reflect on the experience and connect the dots between college experiences and future success. This is one of the changes I am most proud to see Campus Recreation accomplish during my time here.

Talk about your team and the importance of the work that you all do.

Campus Recreation is full of the most dedicated, passionate staff you will find. Our team understands its role in the student experience and strives to be positive role models and mentors. Individual staff members all play a part, but from programmers to service providers, to hospitality staff, to our outdoor facilities team and everyone in between, we are about student success. Whether it be keeping a facility clean and safe, to programming activities for students to expand their network and find their fit, to having intentional 1 on 1 conversations with students, Campus Recreation staff understands that every interaction matters, and we strive to keep our students coming back “home.”

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