Entering career fairs with confidence

Eldwin Caballero talks with a recruiter for Kiewit at the Career Fair in the Nebraska Union.

Walking into a career fair can be daunting. From meeting new faces to the pressure of leaving a great impression, it’s normal to be nervous. However, with a little extra planning and using the resources available to you, you can enter the career fair with poise and confidence. Not sure what to do first? Start here.

Do your research

Compile a list of organizations you want to chat with and do some background research. Being able to articulate what they do, key projects and even some of the leaders within the company will show you are interested in them and knowledgeable about their work. Be sure to look into the responsibilities for the positions they’re hiring so you can tailor your pitch to what recruiters need. Check out Handshake to see who is attending the fair.

Print your resume

Be ready to hand your resume to any recruiter you speak with. Craft clear, concise bullet points to highlight your experience. Communicate your responsibilities using impactful action verbs and, if possible, data to showcase your level of impact. Aim for a one-page format, unless your field typically requires additional content for a second page. Recruiters only look at resumes for a few seconds, so it’s important you make an impact and capture their attention as quickly as possible!

Practice your handshake

Ah, the handshake. And, though it may sound corny, it can even help you feel more empowered as you enter a conversation with someone who may be your future employer. Set aside some time with your roommate or friend to perfect your handshake.

Plan what you’ll say

Knowing what you’re saying ahead of time will help you maximize the time you share with recruiters and lessen the chance you accidentally ramble or stumble on your words. Hand them your resume and try customizing something like this after you say hello and shake hands:

“Hello! My name is ___________. I’m from _____ and I’m majoring in ____. I saw that your organization typically recruits for ______________ ____ position which involves ____. I’m involved in_______________*List 2–3 of your experiences that are relevant to the position, but keep it short!* __________. I would love to talk more with you about what you’re looking for.”

Now, chances are you may not get a special meeting. But, you’ll have opened the door to future conversations and gave them something to remember from the conversation. Don’t forget to note their contact information and send a follow-up email thanking them for their time!

Wear something you feel great in

Dress well, test well! It’s true that if you look and feel great, you’re going to have more confidence and perform better on your tasks for the day. The day before the career fair, make sure you know what you’re wearing and try it on. This way you’ll be able to focus your energy on mentally preparing instead of scrambling to pick an outfit the morning of.

For more resources on your job search and building your personal statement and resume, be sure to visit Career Services and check out their resources for students. Now get out there and impress some recruiters — you got this, Huskers!

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