Husker How to: Adjusting to Campus

Students raise their hands during an ice breaker game at the Playfair

Coming to college is an exciting experience that will take you out of your comfort zone. Coming to college might mean moving a few miles from home and starting the school year with your best friends from high school. Or you may be moving across the country—or the world—to a place where you don’t know anyone. No matter where you came from or who you know, if you’re feeling a little lost, we’ve put together some tips as you continue to adjust to your new home.

You are not alone

While it may seem like others may be adjusting faster, you are not alone! It’s pretty much guaranteed that as you are adjusting to campus life and the college experience, others are experiencing similar feelings to you. There are so many ways to find friends and in time, you will find your place and people on campus. In the meantime, don’t be afraid to start up a conversation with someone new — whether they’re next to you in line at a dining hall or in one of your classes!

Leave your door open

If you’re hanging out in your dorm room, consider leaving your door open for others in your hall to say hello as they pass by. You never know what conversations you’ll have, and a random interaction may be the start of a great friendship. At the very least, you’ll set yourself up to see more smiling faces and start building relationships with those who are living around you this year.

Attend RSO events

As you start looking for ways to connect with communities across campus, recognized student organizations (RSOs) are a great place to start. You’ll find opportunities to grow your interests, have laid-back convos and meet smiling faces passionate about a range of extracurriculars. Attending club events helps you immerse yourself in different environments and new experiences as well as learn what different groups of students value and enjoy doing outside the classroom.

Detach from expectations

You may be coming into college with things you feel you have to accomplish immediately or preconceived ideas of what college will be like. If things aren’t matching up to expectations, don’t be too hard on yourself and try to adjust your expectations to be more present. Take time to explore your interests and campus in general, even if they don’t match up with your plan for your major or time outside class. The range of experiences in store for you will likely offer much more than what you expected from your time in college.

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help

Whether it’s academic planning, tutoring or reaching out to campus resources for mental health support, there are so many resources available to you — and Huskers across campus who want to help. Here are just a few resources to keep in mind:

  • CAPS: Most counseling services offered by Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) are completely covered by student fees. This includes individual counseling, support groups, therapy groups, etc. Learn more.
  • CAST: The Center for Academic Success and Transition supports all students through one-on-one coaching, tutoring, workshops and more. Learn more.
  • Husker Pantry: The Husker Pantry helps address students’ food insecurities by providing free food and personal items to students. Whether you need a tube of toothpaste, a can of soup or items in between, the pantry here to serve you. Just bring your student NCard. Learn more.
  • Career Closet: Get ready to score that dream job or internship. The Career Closet provides free, gently used professional dress items (shirts/blouses, blazers and jackets, ties, etc.) for all students. Get more help finding job opportunities with Career Services.
  • Husker Hub: Husker Hub is your “one-stop” spot for assistance with class registration, transcripts, enrollment verification, student bills, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarships, grants, student/parent loans and work-study as you plan your path toward graduation.
  • Safety: UNLPD has compiled a list of resources for personal and campus safety. Learn more.

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