I Think I Found the One

By: Megan Fehr

An aerial of East Campus

Hi, I’m Megan and I’m extremely indecisive. Fun fact: I’ve changed my college major 4 times now. They say “3rd time’s the charm” and well, I guess it wasn’t quite the 3rd time for me. I’m crossing my fingers that this time, the 4th time, it’s the one! I’m a sophomore studying agricultural education leadership, which is not far from where I started two years ago. It’s been a unique and interesting ride getting to where I am now.

Major #1: Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Communications

I went into college as excited as could be. I majored in agricultural and environmental sciences communications, which was a perfect fit for me at the time. My freshman year was not like most students. I served as a 2019–2020 Nebraska FFA State Officer.

Megan in her FFA jacket

This position included many days off of campus at various leadership trainings, business meetings, Ag. conferences, high school classrooms and competitions, and other events. The second semester of my freshman year was spent doing State Officer FFA Chapter Visits. These consisted of teaching junior high and high school students during the school day at several different schools in Nebraska. This also meant all my classes in the second semester were online. I remember getting the life-changing email from UNL during my last FFA Chapter Visit telling me that the rest of the semester would be remote and students were encouraged to move home. For my FFA team and me, the transition to remote learning was something we were already getting the hang of.

Major #2: Advertising & Public Relations

During the end of my freshman year, I knew that the ag. communications major wasn’t for me. The communications part I could definitely get excited about. The ag. part? Not so much at that time. This led me to changing my major to advertising & public relations. Over the next summer, I took an advertising course called ADPR 151 with Dr. Frauke Hachtmann that I absolutely loved. I enjoyed my ADPR classes in the fall too, but a couple of weeks into this past spring semester, I knew my career interests had completely changed (again).

Major #3: Nutrition & Health Sciences

Last summer, I began to invest in a personal trainer (virtually) to help me focus on my health, including meals, workouts, and mindset. Doing this was one of the greatest decisions I have ever made for myself. My coach, Megan Waits, has helped me on my health journey in ways I hadn’t expected. I learned about nutrition and what eating healthy for me looks like. I also learned how to work out, which sounds weird to say, but before I began working with my trainer, I would go into the Rec and walk for hours and then maybe use some random machines after. It wasn’t structured by any means, which is why I didn’t see any results.

Megan works out in the Rec Center

The Rec helped me fall in love with myself again. I gained confidence I didn’t know I could have. If I’m having a terrible day, am stressed with classes, or am mentally exhausted, one trip to the Rec and a good workout can change it all. It’s not just about physical health; it’s about mental and emotional health, too.

And because of my experience with my coach Megan Waits and the impact that both herself and her workouts have had on me, I decided that I want to become a personal trainer. I’m currently working on my National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certification to become a Certified Personal Trainer. Recently, I changed my major to nutrition & health sciences so I could add to my NASM knowledge. I have loved my nutrition classes, especially my professor, Shinya Takahashi! I’m thankful that my coach and the Rec have helped me find this part of my career path — the one that I’m finally excited about.

On the flip side, science is not something I enjoy or understand easily. After planning out the rest of my college career with my advisor, I knew I would not enjoy my science-packed schedules. That’s when I began my hunt again to find the right major. I ran several degree audits until I found the one that I thought sounded the most interesting and enjoyable to me.

Major #4: Agricultural Education Leadership

I changed my major again last week to agricultural education leadership. My goal is to develop more leadership skills and learn how to train others to be leaders. I see myself having a career in leadership and teaching others how to use their strengths to be the best leaders they can be — both in their individual lives and in businesses. All of the leadership classes will also help me coach clients in my personal training career. I am so excited about the leadership courses ahead. I’m also excited to be back in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR), which is where I started with agricultural & environmental sciences communications. East Campus and the CASNR community are like their own little family. East Campus feels like home. It’s peaceful and welcoming.

Finding my Happy Places

Throughout all the changes with my major, there have been constants in my college career that have provided learning and personal growth opportunities and helped me meet fellow Huskers.

Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program

If you are interested in entrepreneurship, or simply learning life lessons, I highly encourage you to join the Engler community and/or take EAEP courses. Engler is an organization located on the 2nd floor of the East Campus Dinsdale Library. Engler just moved to this brand new space in January. It’s absolutely breathtaking and vibrant. Engler offers several valuable classes and minors in agribusiness entrepreneurship and leadership. My favorite Engler courses have been EAEP 101 and EAEP 275. EAEP 101 is the Engler introductory course. It’s not like any college course you would ever expect; I can promise you that. Engler is not about rules; it’s about thinking outside of the box in whatever creative way that means. Tom Field, director of the Engler Program, once described his thoughts about rubrics in EAEP 101 class. He said he’d take a rubric, tear it up, throw it away, and face the problem as is. I was hooked from then on.

A photo of Megan’s mask freshening spray

EAEP 275 is a unique course with incredible opportunities. In the course, students are put into groups and given $50 to start a business. They are coached by Engler staff, but not given easy answers. The best part? Whatever profit the students make is theirs to keep! When I took this course last semester, my group and I created a business called Fresh + Frugal. We created and sold mask freshening spray using essential oils! It went over well, I learned a lot, and we even made money! I took the business over after the course and changed the name to Ambiance. I make various essential oil mists — each with its own purpose. I enjoy running businesses and being an entrepreneur. I plan to continue on my entrepreneurship adventure, and I know that Engler is the best way to do so. Once I begin my coaching business, I will use all the knowledge gained from Engler to help me do the best I can!

I knew I was going to change my major after I talked to Michelle Bassford and Tom Field about it after an Engler event. It felt like home and it felt right. Tom Field told me to do whatever is going to give me the most value. The urge to change to agricultural education leadership was strong and clear in that moment.

The Newman Center

Beyond the Rec and the Engler Community, two other places on campus have become happy places for me: the Newman Center and my a Capella group, Boots & Cats. I was raised Catholic and was extremely active in my church growing up. The Newman Center was one thing that I was incredibly excited about going into college. I love going to daily mass, adoration, and singing at the Newman Center. I recently began doing homework at the Newman Center, and I love it! My favorite event that the Newman Center does is called Night Fever. This is when the Eucharist is exposed and the altar is lined with aluminum foil. Students place candles on the altar with special intentions. Both the altar and the music are beautiful. The first time I went to Night Fever, I cried because I was so overwhelmed at its beauty and meaning. I cannot wait to continue going to the Newman Center.

Boots & Cats

I have always loved to sing and I wanted to find a way to be involved with music at UNL. After going to the a Capella performances my freshman year, I was in love with the Boots & Cats a Capella Group. I knew with my State Officer position, I would not be able to audition my freshman year, but this year I went all in! I made it in the group and it has been my favorite activity! It is so entertaining and fulfilling to be in an a Cappella group with such wholesome and talented women. Harmony is something that I have always been amazed at, and now I get to do it every Monday and Thursday night at Boots & Cats! We haven’t been able to do as many performances as normal due to the pandemic, but we’re had our Spring Show on May 1 on campus! We’re also working on our album and a music video. I am so excited for the future of Boots & Cats and feel so honored to be in the group.

Halfway There

I’m halfway to my college graduation, which is insane to say! I’ve learned and experienced so much from exploring my major at UNL. I have developed new skills and learned way more about myself than I thought I ever would. I have made connections with a variety of students, advisors, and professors. Lastly, I know that you don’t have to go into college with your whole future planned out. I’m feeling excited and optimistic about the rest of my time at UNL. I’m beyond grateful for my time here so far and look forward to my future as a Husker!

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