On Campus: New Student Enrollment

Myah, right, and fellow NSE leaders

Creating a safe, fun and welcoming environment for first-year students is no easy feat — which is what makes our New Student Enrollment Orientation Leaders so special. This group of individuals confidently introduces the world of opportunity and lifelong learning at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. They make a potentially uncomfortable life transition more comfortable. Most importantly, these young adults show love and support to incoming students and encourage them in this season of life. Read more about Myah Anderson’s experience as an NSE orientation leader!

Talk about why you decided to apply to Nebraska, and what makes our campus so special.

Growing up in Lincoln, the University of Nebraska has always felt as if it’s in my backyard. I was raised on Husker culture, homecoming traditions and the Dairy Store Coffee Crunch ice cream. My dad enjoyed taking my siblings and I back to his alma mater, exploring campus little by little. Yet, for that reason, many of my friends were hesitant to enroll in a school that seemed so familiar. They were uncertain if Nebraska could provide new opportunities in a city that they have already spent so much time in. With ease, I made the choice to complete my degree at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and it was the greatest decision I could have made. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is truly like no other college campus. Nebraska is the prime example of the power of relationships and the value of community. I walk through campus each day, knowing that I am not a number on a professor’s screen or a check number confirming my completed payment. When looking at numbers, UNL has the potential to feel like a big city, fueling a culture of disconnection. Nonetheless, Nebraska cares about their students. The relationships that the UNL community have fostered with me have left a monumental impact on the way I go through life. I have seen the power of a connection influence my self-concept, my ambition and my contentment. Now, I walk through each day with an intention to show love to those in my life.

How would you explain NSE to someone that’s never heard of it?

New Student Enrollment, more commonly known as NSE, is the department of the University that ensures that all incoming students are prepared and enrolled for the upcoming school year. More importantly, NSE ensures that students feel comfortable, included and prepared by providing various levels of support through one of the largest transitions of a student’s life! To do so, NSE coordinates Orientation for all new students, which is where I come in! Serving as an Orientation Leader, I had the opportunity to lead new students and their families/guests through a Life of a Husker Experience. For students, I led them through a series of games and activities that allowed them to create meaningful connections with other new students and learn about the support offered by UNL. For families and guests, I shared my own journey as a Husker through storytelling and answering all questions regarding their students’ transition! All in all, we act as a loving and helpful resource for students and families each year.

What is your favorite part about being an orientation leader?

So quickly, I fell in love with my Orientation Leader role! Reflecting on the summer, I had so many favorite parts — living with the other orientation leaders, our morning meetings altogether, our movie nights and zoo trip. However, one part of being an Orientation leader stands above all else; my favorite part of being an orientation leader was the small moments when working with students and their families. For example, any moment where I was able to see the excitement in a new student’s eyes about a RSO or when I could provide a feeling of relief to parents sending their first child to college. The college transition can be a time of fear and uncertainty and I felt so privileged to play a role in making that transition easier.

How will your involvement in NSE help you in the future?

From the very beginning of my time as an orientation leader, our professional staff team reiterates the skills that you will take away from being an OL. I did not know what to expect from my growth throughout the summer, but my involvement within the department has prepared me for the future tremendously. Specifically, adaptability has never been a strength of mine (specifically, it is number 32 in my CliftonStrengths). After this summer, adaptability is one of my most improved areas; I am confident in my ability to handle a situation to reach success, no matter the circumstances. Furthermore, my confidence in sharing my own story, public speaking and creating intentional connections have all flourished during my time as an orientation leader. These skills, each with their own unique importance, will be helpful as I pursue my degree, as I seek meaningful impacts in my involvements and in my future career in education.

What or who inspires/motivates you?

I feel that I could write a lengthy list of who motivates me — from my family and friends to professors and mentors to role models I have looked up to, I feel that I consistently surround myself with individuals who inspire and motivate me. With that being said, I am inspired and motivated by community. I find joy in being a part of something bigger than myself and appreciate when I am supported by a group of people whom I dedicate my time to. I have found so many communities on campus that motivate me to do more, grow further and love others.

Who has impacted your time at Nebraska?

Throughout my time at Nebraska, I have been impacted by such a wide range of people! Specifically, Chi Omega, my Greek chapter on campus, has had one of the greatest impacts on my time! I am surrounded by like-minded women that inspire me with their leadership, service to others, personal development and kindness. I have been supported in my own leadership development and ambitions. My time at Nebraska would not be the same without this organization!

Talk about your involvements on campus and how they have shaped your collegiate experience.

I can talk about involvements ALL DAY! My involvements on campus have shaped my collegiate experience to such a great degree; I wouldn’t be who I am without them. For some context, my involvements include NHRI Leadership Mentoring, UNL Unified, CliftonStrengths Coaching, being a member in a Greek chapter and more! These organizations have brought me intentional friendships, hands-on experiences and have pushed me outside of my comfort zone, while supporting me in doing what I love. My campus involvement has shown me the importance of creating a balanced schedule and the significance of effective time management. I have been opened to a network of people who hold similar values and passions, who have diverse experiences and have made Nebraska home!

What is your favorite memory from your first year at Nebraska?

From my freshman year, one memory does stick out — Homecoming week! As a member of a Greek chapter, I was able to participate in multiple aspects of homecoming week, like creating house displays on Greek row! I loved that my friends and I, who lived in Abel together, could go down to the stadium and enjoy various food trucks, events, live music and of course, grilled corn. The homecoming football game has a contagious energy like none other; that might have been the first game I stayed to watch until the very end! I loved that it felt as if the entire campus came together that week to celebrate the university, all students and the rich history of Nebraska.

What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming, first-year student?

For all incoming, first-year students, I would stress the importance of involvement. As cliché as it sounds, find one community that makes you feel like you! The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is built of a foundation of community, which is reflected in the establishment of over 500 recognized student organizations. During your first year on campus, I advise you to find one community that you enjoy being a part of — from Greek life to intramural sports to clubs to honor societies. There is something for every student’s wants, interests and needs at UNL, so take advantage of them!

What is something you’ve learned that will stick with you after you graduate?

Taking risks is okay! I have always been someone who has loved to plan, or thought I had an accurate plan for myself. My time at the university has shown me to take risks and that it is okay to surprise yourself. Try something new, even if it is not in your original plan. My time at UNL has been the perfect time to become comfortable with risk and saying ‘yes’ to new opportunities! I am so excited to carry that into my life after graduation.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

After I graduate, I hope to work in the field of disability services! I am not sure what this exactly will look like yet, but it may look like working as a special educator or behavioral technician in a school system, working with an adult services company, or pursuing a master’s degree in educational administration! I am excited to see where my next two years will take me!

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