On Campus: Studying Abroad with Hannah Gish

Hannah smiles for a photo with the Taj Mahal in the background

For Hannah Gish, a junior emerging media arts major, it was a no-brainer to jump at the opportunity to study abroad in India and dive into an internship with Infosys, a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. From gaining hands-on experience in video production to embracing the rich culture, Hannah is growing personally and professionally.

You and a handful of other UNL students have the unique opportunity to intern with Infosys-InStep, a top 100 global company. Can you describe what this internship entails and what you have learned thus far?

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. With projects ranging from business development, cybersecurity, AR/VR, application development and more, Infosys partners with clients from over 50 countries. I have the opportunity to work with the marketing department at Infosys and create a viral video campaign. I am interning alongside three current/graduated Emerging Media Arts students, and our goal is to create content that will reach 5 million views on Infosys’s social media platforms, like LinkedIn. In addition, we are teaming up with the InStep social media coordinators and assisting with content creation. Lastly, we are also working alongside the Communcations Design Group at Infosys and helping in areas of content pre- and post-production. While I have a lot of work to maintain, I have been able to collaborate with industry professionals and learn about the corporate work lifestyle.

What do you hope to take away from this study abroad experience and internship?

As I take in all that India has to offer, I hope to walk away with the skills that I have been developing as an intern. I have gotten to work with clients directly and work in a fast-paced environment where projects last anywhere between two and 15 days. During my time in India, I have embraced culture by trying new Indian foods, shopping at local hand-made shops, dressing traditionally and exploring the city. Being in Bangalore and India in general has been unlike anything I’ve experienced before, and while I am only here for two months, I am trying to get the most out of it!

How will this internship impact your academic career and professional endeavors?

Through this internship, I have enhanced, embraced and stretched my creative skills. From areas of pre-production brainstorming, to finalizing details of a video launch, I have exercised so many characteristics that are seen in a creative work environment. The projects I have worked on showcase my ability to contribute to professional settings and demonstrate my readiness for future roles.

Alongside your internship with Infosys-InStep, you are immersed in the unique culture of Bengaluru, India. What have you enjoyed the most about the Indian culture?

Bangalore is known for its thriving tech industry and busy traffic. Getting around India is easy. Auto rickshaws, (taxi-like vehicles), will take you anywhere you want in the city. I love the liveliness of the city everywhere you go, and the hospitality of the people. During my time in India, I have traveled to Pondicherry, Chennai, Munnar, Kochi, Agra, Jaipur, Mysore and Goa. My experiences in these cities have been amazing. From the food, sights, shops and more, I have enjoyed it all.

What led you to apply to Nebraska, and specifically become part of the Emerging Media Arts Program?

As a Nebraska native, choosing UNL was easy. I was particularly drawn to the Emerging Media Arts program for its multidisciplinary studies and to follow my passion for creating art. In addition, the impact of the work that EMA students were leaving on and off campus inspired me as an incoming student. Seeing EMA students receiving credits in movies, studying abroad in London and creating amazing art led me to apply for this program without hesitation.

How did the EMA Program and your specific areas of study prepare you for this internship?

Many of the hard and soft skills I have learned through courses in EMA have prepared me for this internship. For example, my team and I followed brainstorming and ideating practices I learned in a course taught by Ash Eliza Smith. My role as the social media coordinator for the Emerging Media Arts social media also prepared me greatly for this internship. Editing and publishing videos consistently throughout the school year greatly helped me in the fast-paced work environment at Infosys.

What piece of advice would you give to students aspiring to find an internship?

Thanks to the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, I was able to connect with Megan Elliott, the director of the Carson Center for Emerging Media Arts, and express interest in this internship. There are so many available resources for the internship search! It is okay to ask questions and get help with preparation during the internship search and while applying and interviewing for one!

What is something you’ve learned during your time at Nebraska that will stick with you after you graduate?

My time at Nebraska has been filled with new opportunities and experiences. One of the most important things I have learned is that experiences can seem scary and intimidating at first but can lead to the most success and growth. This past semester, I participated in the 48 Hour Entrepreneurship Challenge in the College of Business where I pitched a startup idea in front of a panel of judges for the first time. While this experience was entirely new for me, I learned how to plan a business startup with all the necessary components and pitch a business presentation, which lead to a third-place ranking. This is just one example, but the experiences and connections I have made through experiences such as this will stay with me forever.

Is there anyone who has impacted your time at Nebraska?

Megan Elliott has made a huge impact on my time at Nebraska. Thanks to the connections she has made with institutions and companies, like Infosys, I have been given the opportunity to explore and discover top-of-the-line industries and environments. Over the past two summers, I have studied abroad in London and interned at the number one, globally ranked program at Infosys in India. Megan Elliott’s commitment to giving UNL Emerging Media Arts students opportunities to display talent and succeed outside of the classroom should be recognized.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

After graduating, I hope to pursue graduate school. I am interested in areas of experience design, digital fabrication, installation/immersive art and content production.

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