On Campus: Summer Internship Program

Jaevyn points toward the Blixt Theatre sign

As an Emerging Media Arts student, Jaevyn Hoyt has started honing in on skills he plans to use for the rest of his career. This summer, he’s furthering his experience by joining the first group of students to participate in the university’s Summer Internship Program.

How would you explain the Summer Internship Program to someone that’s never heard of it?

It is a program to help first-generation and minority students find quality internships through the university while also getting credit for it, with the accompanying class.

Talk about your summer internship. Where are you interning and what does it entail?

I’m interning at BLIXT storefront theater. BLIXT does all sorts of educational outreach, often through theater. With their newly opened space, they have already hosted many fun events that I got to help set up and participate in. I’ve mostly been helping with odd jobs around the space. It's been either creative practical work, or helping with events for the most part. I’ve loved it so far.

Why did you decide to apply to Nebraska, and specifically get involved with Emerging Media Arts?

I applied for the Emerging Media Arts program because it perfectly fit many of my core interests as I was graduating from the arts & humanities program. At the time, I was interested in the intersection of art and technology, however, since studying there, I have developed many more interests and their respective skills.

How has your time as an Emerging Media Arts student impacted your experience at BLIXT?

In all sorts of ways! While studying at EMA, I developed skills in how to apply creativity to real-world, hands-on situations. After some of the things I have had to troubleshoot on my school projects, most day-to-day things, like making fliers or setting up a projector feel very straightforward. In a more measurable sense, I have already used lots of skills I specifically study at EMA, like working with Adobe programs, laser cutters and 3D printers.

What is your favorite part about participating in this internship?

I love the sense of community in the space. Not only are the other members of BLIXT all amazing people, but the people that we meet during events are always so inspiring.

How will your involvement in this internship help you in the future?

Well, I imagine the real-world applications of my creative skills will give me a better sense of not only what kind of work I want to do in the future, but ways to find it. I’m sure it will help me in more ways than I realize.

What or who inspires/motivates you?

I find that if you’re really looking, there’s inspiration everywhere. I love listening to the stories of friends and chance encounters. I often stop to look closely at a plant or an insect just to observe its form. Looking at the advancements that were made in all sorts of fields of science toward making a better, sustainable world inspires me. I draw from all that and more when I am creating.

Who has impacted your time at Nebraska?

The faculty of the Johnny Carson Center of Emerging Media Arts immediately come to mind. Each of them has inspired me and/or taught me something valuable. This includes all of the professors and staff. The wealth of creativity of that space, I think, is only just beginning to be recognized.

What is one piece of advice you would give a student who’s looking to find a summer internship?

Start looking/applying as soon as you can and narrow down what you'd like to do as much as possible. There are a lot of internships out there, you should aim for one that’s developing skills that are important to you.

What has made your Husker experience remarkable?

When I was younger, I loved playing games. They were the best method I knew to connect with my friends in meaningful ways. From playing Capture the Flag in backyards to video games I loved them all. As time passed and the friends I made started to spread out, video games became the best option to continue to have experiences with friends. I wanted to know how I could create my own experiences to share with others. Studying arts & humanities laid the foundation for much of this, but what I’ve learned at EMA has really taken what I’m capable of to the next level. I gained access to some of the coolest technology out there and was taught how to use it. I used to dream of being able to make video games, now I know how, and have done it. Little me would be proud.

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

The main things I’m looking for are financial security, and doing creative work, ideally, that is working on a problem I’m passionate about. I’m pretty open-minded about it. If I had to be more specific though, It would be cool to work on a proper videogame that meets the same requirements.

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