Abby Skouse — a sophomore international business and finance major from Overland Park, Kansas—has found a home away from home in UNL CHAARG. The women’s fitness organization aims to uncover confidence in fitness and build community amongst women striving to become the best versions of themselves.

You are the founding ambassador for UNL CHAARG. How would you describe the RSO to someone who hasn’t heard of it?

CHAARG is a women’s fitness organization with the mission of empowering girls to feel confident in the weight room. We partner with different gyms, studios and instructors all over Lincoln to offer our members as much variety in different types of workouts as we can. We want everyone to have the opportunity to explore different versions of fitness to help girls find what makes them feel their best. We also do some socials and host small groups throughout the semester to build more of a community and personal relationships within CHAARG.

Can you talk more about why you felt called to start the UNL CHAARG chapter and take a leadership role? Where did this journey begin?

My journey with fitness was one that I pretty much did all on my own. Regardless, it was still intimidating coming to college and going to the Campus Recreation Center for the first time and seeing males dominate the room. I knew that a lot of girls likely would be feeling this way, so I wanted to find a way that would help them realize that it’s not as scary as they think it is and they can find confidence in fitness too.

What is your favorite part of this empowered female fitness community?

I have loved watching girls become friends and slowly get closer and closer because of meeting at CHAARG events. It’s a special feeling knowing that I played a part in that. I also like seeing girls learn about what makes them feel their best at different weekly workouts; it makes me really proud of all our members!

What advice would you give those who feel intimidated by the gym or hesitant about starting their own wellness/fitness journey?

My biggest piece of advice would be to start small and gradually try new things as you get more confident. There is no rush as it is your own personal journey and it’s okay that it looks different for everyone! I also wish girls understood that people at the gym aren’t watching them, waiting for them to mess up. Everyone is so focused on what they’re doing, they hardly pay attention to what anyone else is doing.

What goals do you have for the UNL chapter of CHAARG and how do you envision this community evolving?

My main goals are just to see the chapter grow and experience new things! As the chapter becomes more established and well-known on campus, more members put in the effort to be consistently involved. I can’t wait to see all the ideas the new exec team will have and the impact they’ll have on the community.

Is there anyone at Nebraska who has had a positive impact on you?

Mostly my friends! I was super nervous to go out of state not knowing anyone, but it was the best decision ever! I’ve met so many people that have taught me a lot about myself and what I value in life.

What is something you have learned at Nebraska that you will take with you?

I have learned that pushing myself out of my comfort zone is the best way to help me grow, and I will never regret leaning on my people when I need it!

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