Prepping for Finals Week

A student sits under a tree at a picnic table in the greenspace outside the Nebraska Union

Don’t stress over finals— we have compiled a list of resources to help you as you prep for your exams, presentations and papers. Whether you’re in search of academic assistance or just need a way to unwind from all the anticipation surrounding the end of the semester, we’ve got you covered. Check out a few of our favorite finals week resources.

The UNL Writing Center & Other Study Resources

If a final paper has you stressing, then it’s time to head to the UNL Writing Center. The Writing Center offers free online tutoring and writing consultations. You can take part in a one-on-one video chat with one of their trained writing consultants, or send in your work to them and receive written feedback. Make sure to schedule your appointment ASAP — their times fill up fast! If you’re unable to squeeze in an appointment, the UNL Writing Center has a few other tips for you:

  • Get feedback from your friends & classmates.
  • Don’t be nervous! Your professor is there to help and teach you — reach out to them or attend their virtual office hours.
  • Read your work out loud to catch errors & clean up any confusing areas of content.

Need help with a specific subject that isn’t writing? You’re still in luck! There’s also the Math Resource Center, Chemistry Resource Center, Language Labs and OASIS Study Studio — all of these resources offer tutors at no cost. Find more on-campus tutoring, mentoring and consultation resources here.

Center for Academic Success & Transition

UNL’s Center for Academic Success & Transition (CAST) is here to help students during all times of the year, but especially during finals week. If you’re struggling academically, you can meet a CAST success coach for one of their 1:1 meetings. Coaches are trained to help with academic success tools like time management, note-taking, reading strategies, study skills, procrastination & motivation, critical thinking, organizational skills, and test prep. For additional online help, here’s a couple of their online resources:

  • A weekly study schedule so you can manage your study time alongside work, classes and other necessary habits. Check out a filled-out example here to help guide as you fill out your own.
  • Study Stop peer tutoring provides student tutors in a variety of subjects who can assist you over Zoom. Learn more here.

Well-being Opportunities

When you feel overwhelmed, it’s important to take a step back and allow yourself to breathe. Schedule some downtime for yourself in between studying — whether it’s following an online yoga video, FaceTiming a friend or treating yourself to a quick episode of your favorite funny show, those little moments you give yourself to relax add up.

  • If you’re still feeling like you need a little extra help, schedule a chat with one of the Big Red Resilience & Well-being coaches! These peer coaches will help you find a positive mindset in the midst of all the craziness of finals week. Schedule a meeting with a peer coach here.
  • UNL’s Counseling & Psychological Services provides free, often same-day appointments with psychiatrists and counselors. Learn more about CAPS and schedule an appointment here.

Stay strong, Huskers! The semester is almost over, and you’re so close to a relaxing break.

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