Ways to recenter during spring break

A student relaxes in the sun on the greenspace

Finally, spring break! While some of us will be traveling to new places, exploring Lincoln or headed back home, we all can use this time to recenter. The second half of the spring semester is near, and these resources and tips will help you find success in the next 8 weeks.

Set an appointment with your academic advisor

Whether you are planning for the upcoming semester, covering graduation plans or looking for academic guidance, advisors are there to help along the way. Take advantage of these resources by scheduling an appointment with your advisor when the semester picks up again. Visit your college’s website to connect with an advisor!

Get organized and plan for academic success

While you may have a week away from the classroom, there’s no time like the present to stay organized and get ahead. Without letting school consume you, spend time updating your calendar or making a schedule for upcoming assignments, exams and group projects. Head over to a local coffee shop with a friend or take your planner outside, but either way, plan for academic success!


This week, try stepping away from your electronics. Yes, that means turning the TV off, putting your phone on do not disturb and cutting down on your screen time. The benefits of stepping away from your screen are numerous. From decreasing feelings of anxiety and reconnecting with your peers to maintaining presence in the world around you and hitting reset, you will feel loads better when you step away from the screen.

Do something you’ve been meaning to do

Need to return a book to the library? Are you putting off cleaning out your closet and donating unused clothes? Maybe there’s a book you are halfway through and haven’t gotten a chance to read the ending. Spend this week checking things off the list before classes are back in session. Not to mention, getting to things that have been stuck on the back burner can relieve stress and clear the mind for the second half of the semester.


Carve time out of this week to write goals, make lists or let the pen and paper inspire you to write something more creative. A journal is an incredible outlet for self-expression and putting your inner thoughts on paper. This can be as elaborate or as fancy as you wish. Maybe you are ripping a piece of paper from your math notebook or dedicating a colorful pad of paper to this outlet — choose whatever works best for you!

Catch up on sleep

No homework, fewer obligations and more free time means catching up on some much-needed, quality sleep! Use spring break as a chance to give your body what it needs the most — some rest and relaxation. Try turning the lights off just one hour earlier, taking a peaceful afternoon snooze or turning off the alarm clock this week. You’d be surprised how much your body and mind will thank you!

Refocus on your mental health

Mental health matters, even during spring break when you may be more relaxed than normal. There’s no time like the present to learn more about mental health resources and explore new ways to improve your emotional well-being. Counseling and Psychological Services here on campus has a page worth of resources and educational opportunities so you can best meet your mental health needs. Take care of yourself this week.

Spend time outside

While Lincoln may not be a beach alongside the ocean, there is beauty across the city waiting to be explored! There are numerous lakes and trails that make for a gorgeous midday walk or the perfect scene for a spring picnic. The Outdoor Adventure Center has rental bikes, picnic equipment, paddle boards and so much more for students to get out and explore more of our city. The outdoors (especially with the beautiful spring weather) is good for the soul.

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