The Power of Storytelling in UX

HCDE Alum Mark Cruth recently spoke on The Power of Storytelling in UX.

Picture the last time you were told a great story about change…how did it make you feel? Were you inspired, motivated, or moved to action? As UX Designers, we create experiences that allow our users to explore new ideas, and storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we have available to help us to do this. During this interactive session you will learn the basic framework to construct a powerful story that supports the journey of your user based on the work of great storytellers including Stephen Denning, Walt Disney, and Steve Jobs. You will learn about the different types of stories you can tell and which situations are best for each type. You will also have an opportunity to craft and share a story using the storytelling framework learned during the session in order to practice creating a user experience through narrative. So gather round everyone and let me tell you a story…

