$UNW Listing on Wed, Mar 22, 1000 UTC

Good Sanai
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2023

We will be listing on PancakeSwap and Thena on Wed, Mar 22, 1000 UTC.

The trading pairs offered will be UNW-BNB on PancakeSwap and UNW-THE on Thena.

We are currently working diligently with both PancakeSwap and Thena to prepare our listing and more details relating to that will be made available over the next days.

Our emission will also start shortly after the listing, and we will share the details soon.

We continue seeing some good growth in our trading volume with our passing $30m mark with ULP yield at 70%+.

Thank you for being with us and we look forward to our listing on Wed!

To get involved and stay updated on all Uniwhale-related matters:



Good Sanai

Chief Architect | Smart Contract Builder | Risk Management | ex-Wallstreet Quant