How to run UniChain node

Uni World
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2020

UniChain nodes are distributed to anywhere in the world and play an important role to maintain the UniChain’s ledger.

There are there types of node that UniChain is currently provided

  • Normal node (or full node): Maintain the UniChain ledger. Everyone can run this node
  • Witness node: validate transactions, produce blocks, approve network change
  • Relay node: provide the finalized transactions. This node will be merged to full node soon.

Minimum requirement to run a normal node: 4 CPU, 8 GB Memory (8 CPU and 16 GB Memory is recommended)), 250 GB Disk storage, high speed network connection, Linux based OS such as Ubuntu (version > 16), Centos, Redhat …

Minimum requirements to run a witness node: 8 CPU, 16 GB Memory (16 CPU and 16 GB Memory is recommended), 250 GB Disk storage, high speed network connection, Linux based OS such as Ubuntu (version > 16), Centos, Redhat …

To run a UniChain node, We need to get the binary file from first (please choose the latest version), or build the software from source code:

> git clone
> cd unichain-core
> ./gradlew build

Please note that the command line above is on Linux environment (Ubuntu). The prerequisite is that Oracle JDK 8 must be installed on the machine.

After building, binary file will be located in the build/libs folder.

To run a normal node with default configuration, run the following command

> java -jar unichain-core.jar
> Output:
_ _ _ __ (_) ___| |__ __ _(_)_ __
| | | | '_ \| |/ __| '_ \ / _` | | '_ \
| |_| | | | | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | |
\__,_|_| |_|_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_|_| |_|

To run node as a witness node, specify the witness flag and the private key

> java -jar unichain-core.jar --witness -p <your-private-key>

Running logs can be found in logs/ folder

