How UniMe is Fighting for Human Rights
We live in a world where financial access is a fundamental human right. Nearly 2 billion adults — one in seven — are still excluded from the formal financial system. This means they have no access to savings, loans, and other basic banking products. Without access to these products, the poorest are forced to rely on others to meet their daily needs. This can lead to a cycle of poverty that is difficult to escape.
The good news is that technology may be the key to addressing this problem. Two promising innovations include data transfer via end-to-end encryption and digital identity. Truly private data protects human rights to financial access and freedom by providing a digital alternative that doesn’t make one exposed and reliant on any company’s or country’s mercy. This includes borderless, financial transactions that can be completed without a third party — free from manipulation by governments and corporations. Digital identity protects human right to financial access and freedom by enabling people to prove who they are online without risking their privacy or their safety.
With two powerful innovations, it seems we may finally be able to guarantee this fundamental human right to all.
End-to-end encrypted chat apps protect financial rights
Protecting your financial rights is a daunting task. In the era of economic globalization, a person’s data can be whisked across the world in an instant. But what if a person wants to turn that data off at the source? What if they want to make sure their data remains in their hands?
End-to-end encryption (Ete) has given people across the world the ability to do just that. With networks like UniMe’s messaging App, people can be sure that their money will stay where it belongs.
The original UniMe whitepaper laid out the vision for this kind of communication. The idea was to create a purely peer-to-peer version of data transfer, which would allow data to be sent directly from one party to another without going through any form or approach that requires for the data to be stored any longer than necessary and in some cases at all. This system would also be able to avoid the risks of hacking or intervention by governments (when someone steals your identity or wants to access private data like your medical records, sensitive conversations or bank details), and would allow for anonymity.
This upgraded end-to-end encryption based system has been implemented in a number of different ways, but usually in a partially compromised way when it comes to applications available to the general public. Usually, the highest grade version of this tech is reserved for military grade use-cases.
But what is the biggest advantage of using such a network? The answer is simple: protection of your rights. Due to the decentralized nature of government tracking networks, it is impossible for any one person or institution to truly control what happens in the case of a data breach, even when the initial intention was just. No one able to access anyone’s data can 100% guarantee there won’t be any misconduct or mistake.
End-to-end powered chat apps are popping up to protect your rights. One such app and leader in the industry is UniMe, which is an instant messaging app that lets users send encrypted data without the need to be technical. UniMe offers private chats where users can chat safely and in true privacy with friends, and anyone who is on the app which is available for free.
Protecting your financial rights has never been easier thanks to end-to-end encryption.
So Is End-to-end Encryption the Future of Human Rights?
The pursuit of human rights is the pursuit of a better world. It is essentially the pursuit of freedom, equality, and justice. However, this pursuit is not without its challenges. Inherently, human rights are a subjective concept and their enforcement varies widely from country to country. While some countries, like the United States, have signed the United Nations Convention on Human Rights, others have not. As a result, there is no universally agreed-upon set of rules on what defines a human right.
This lack of agreement or international standard has led to different interpretations of what constitutes a human right and how they should be enforced. One country might say that the right to freedom of speech includes the right to criticize the government, while another might say it does not. One country might say that everyone has a right to participate in government decisions, while another might disagree. What one country deems a “human right” could be deemed illegal in another.
It is for these reasons that many believe it is time for an international standard to be set for defining and enforcing human rights. The answer: End-to-end encryption.
End-to-end encryption is a technology that underpins data transfer which has applications in all aspects of our lives. One such application is the potential to revolutionize the way we enforce human rights by giving everyone access to an impartial record keeping system that can be trusted to provide accurate information about everything from property ownership to marital status.
End-to-end encryption based applications provide an immediate and accurate record of transactions which can be verified by all parties involved without any need for a trusted third party. This means that there would be one universally agreed-upon definition for what constitutes a human right and how they should be enforced internationally. This would provide citizens with confidence that their rights cannot be violated without consequence — no matter where they live — and would give governments an impartial system in which they can verify compliance with all human rights agreements they have signed.
Creating a Better Tomorrow
In short, the world is a better place when everyone has the same human rights.
Universal human rights and human centered does not mean that we should give up our national pride or our nationality. We are all unique, and valuable in our own way. Internationalism is not about destroying our national uniqueness, it’s about appreciating it.
We are all human and we should all have the same opportunities in this world. We need to come together as a group of people who are all equally valuable and worthy of dignity.
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