New UniChain roadmap for smart society 5.0, Metaverse & Web3

Uni World
Published in
7 min readDec 28, 2021

UniChain is the next generation of layer -1 blockchain platform with high scalability, security and user-friendliness. It is a product of Uniworld Ecosystem and has been developed by Uni Dao Network. The mainnet was officially launched on June 4th, 2020. There have been hundreds of accounts (wallet addresses) registered since then and UNW (the native token of platform) has been widely accepted by the large community and big exchanges.

For mass adoption and serving the smart society 5.0 as long as technology trends like NFT, Web3, Metavers … UniChain’s development team has researched, developed and drawn the roadmaps for the next few years

The core blockchain improvement

When building UniChain, The R&D team from UniWorld and some members from the Uni DAO network studied and researched the drawback of the current blockchain platforms at that time (2019). In 2020, the first version of UniChain was released and the mainnet officially launched on June 4th that year. In the first version, UniChain utilized many concepts, features and some source code from Ethereum (UVM is based on EVM), Tron, Facebook Libra (for Hotstuff concept) … although UniChain combined many advantage features while keeping the compatible and friendly with legacy platforms and developers, our team realize that there are many thing need to be improved to serve for application and users at scale.

  • The storage: Most of the current blockchain now uses the key-value database as the decentralized ledger. The key-value database is great for storing the simple data and fast speed read/write operation but for complex and structured data, It may not be suitable. UniChain is researching the hybrid storage model so that It will adapt for both speed and complex structured databases.
  • The signature: Currently, UniChain uses ECDA as the main signature algorithm. Developer team is researching if It is suitable to apply the incorporates Schnorr signatures (as used in the new Bitcoin taproot upgrade). The Schnorr signature is simple, linear, fast and more secure than ECDA. When collecting signatures from witness nodes and verifying batch transactions instead of single one, this is very useful for signature aggregation and validation.
  • The Hotstuff communication: Currently, the communication in UniChain follows the BFT standards. To reduce overhead and complexity, the Hotstuff communication will be implemented.
  • The native features: UniChain has already implemented some native features, the features running on top of UVM without using any smart contracts such as native URC-30 token, Future transfer. Development team will implement more features such as native NFT tokens (based on ERC-721 and ERC-1151 standards) so that users can easily issue and manage their digital assets.
  • UVM improvement: UVM is based on EVM on Ethereum so that all smart contracts running on Ethereum are totally compatible with UVM. As EVM is constantly developed and improved, UVM will be updated too.
  • Smart contract language: Currently UniChain supports only solidity programming for smart contracts, R&D team is working on the possibility of other programming languages such as Nodejs, Golang or Python.
  • Side chain implementation and testing: The side chain architecture on UniChain helps to scale the system. When launching, UniChain has only one chain which is also the main chain. Development team is working on implementing the side chain and the way it is integrated to the main chain. When completed, everyone can create their own blockchain network in a very simple way.

Applications and ecosystem

Blockchain platforms cannot survive without the application and ecosystems. UniChain understands that and therefore not only builds the core blockchain with highly scalable but also the whole ecosystem.

UniWorld applications & ecosystem

Some of the applications will be available soon as denoted below:

  • The decentralized exchange: The decentralized exchange is firstly design for serving tokens on UniChain network (including UCR-20 and URC-30 token based) and then for multi chains. The exchange may look like Pancakeswap on BSC or UniSwap on ETH but the AMM (Automated Market Maker) mechanism may change to DMM (Dynamic Market Maker — from Kyper) mechanism.
  • The bridge protocol: Bridge protocol allows users transferring coin/token from UniChain to another blockchain network and vice versa. The next version will allow digital assets transferring multi chain
  • Digital assets marketplace: The marketplace that users can sell or buy digital assets in terms of NFT token.
  • Stable coin: UniChain will work with some stable coin and capital ventures in order to issue at least one stable coin on the UniChain network. It will create a liquidity boost for the whole ecosystem.
  • LaunchPad: The launchpad will help projects built on the UniChain network to raise funds and advertise projects to the end-users.

The convenience for end-users

We strongly believe that for mass adoption, the blockchain platform and application must be extremely simple and convenient for any users. Most decentralized applications on popular blockchain platforms now require users to have experience or knowledge about crypto or related technologies for example, to use USDT on Ethereum network, users must follow at least 7 steps such as download and create wallet, register account on centralized exchanges, KYC, buy ETH for transaction … The step to store digital assets (or NFT) on a blockchain platform is even more complicated because beside the above steps, users must know how to use, interact with blockchain by smart contract and other technology tools. It’s obvious that there is a big gap for non-crypto users to use blockchain technology.

At UniChain, We carely focus on not only the crypto users but also the non-crypto users. That’s why We create convenient features and tools for the end-user. Some of the features as:

Sending UNW for future use: This feature allows users to transfer UNW to another user but specify the time that UNW will be available to use. It’s like the locked coin in popular smart contracts. It can be used for commitment or escrow. This feature was available in version 2.0.4

URC-30 token: URC-30 token provides the common usages like ERC-20 token standard on Ethereum. The difference is that users do not need to develop and deploy any smart contracts, instead calling APIs or interacting via web/app interface. Another interesting feature is that URC-30 token does not need UNW as a transaction fee, the fee is from the token itself. It removes the complex steps and allows URC-30 to be transferred freely or integrated with other applications without knowing the blockchain technology behind.

Sending token without transaction fee in UNW

URC-30 Token supports the following functions:

  • Create token;
  • Transfer token;
  • Mint token (only token owner to increase the circulation);
  • Burn token (only token owner to decrease the circulation);
  • Donate token pool fee;
  • Transfer token owner;
  • Transfer future token;
  • Claim future token; and
  • Update token params.

URC-30 was available in version 2.0.4 and will be updated for more convenient

NFT navite token: UniChain supports native NFT (Non-fungible token) and follows the ERC-721/ERC-1155 standards. Tokens run on top of UVM (UniChain VM — like EVM on Ethereum) without any smart contracts system.

With this feature, users can create any NFT token representing their digital assets by using a popular web/app interface and with the help from Uniwallet, the digital assets can be displayed visually (for example the image, video, 3D avatar or any other assets following the Uni NFT standards)

Native NFT token on UniChain for managing digital assets

Other features: The development team will investigate and implement the popular features in crypto and blockchain world to bring the convenient and best practice for end-users. For example the native digital decentralized identity which can be used in real world or virtual universal (aka. Metaverse) so that users can prove their identity without any single central administrator

Community & Partnership

Currently, UniChain/UniWorld has many media channels such as official telegram, twitter, facebook, linkedin, discord, medium … group and subgroup from more than 10 country communities (managed by country manager) always ready to spread any news and events.

We also signed many strategic partnerships with every exchange that UNW listed (Bibox, LBank, CoinTiger, Bitforex …), Capital Ventures, KOLs who manage large communities, hardware & software companies, government, university (from Hungary, Japan, Vietnam) and so on.

The following is what UniChain/Uniworld going to do

  • Business and marketing expansion: More business and marketing activity will be done in current 10 countries and expand to other countries such as Japan, Korea and Eroupe
  • Listing UNW on more exchanges: We are working with some big exchanges, UNW will be listed on most exchanges.
  • Integration of UNW into the most popular crypto wallets.
  • Partners: All our partners are qualified and have a long term vision. The list will be added and mostly come from capital ventures, media firms, exchanges, big corporations, government …
  • Education and training: There will be more seminars, articles, blog posts, and videos about blockchain technology not only for UniChain but also for general knowledge and concepts. There will be also the tech exhibition, hackathon (mostly for university and academy), U8 conference… lead by UniChain

The mission for our planet and humanity

At UniWorld/UniChain, We strongly believe that every single product must bring real value to users, otherwise It’s useless. Our philosophy is `All values created by people are for people’s happiness` so that beside the meaningful products and business activities, We also join the social activities such as the charity, tree planting … We also initiated the project called UniGreen, a platform that connects all people desiring making the earth clean and green through activities such as tree planting, rubbish recycling, new energy inventing …

UniWorld team.

