UniTools - The tool helps anyone interact with blockchain

Uni World
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2020

UniTools is one of the many products from the UniWorld ecosystem. It provides utility functions to interact with UniChain core network such as create a token, apply for a witness node or deploy/manage a smart contract.

If you have created a token on the ETH network for ICO purposes, You’ll realize that It’s quite complicated and requires a lot of effort in writing/deploying ERC-20 smart contracts. It can only be done by experienced engineers. In contrast, creating a token on the UniChain network is a piece of cake with some simple clicks. End-users, even the grandmother will be able to do it easily.

To create a token on unitools, go to unitools website and login with UniWorld account. UniWorld account is centralized and can be used for all UniWorld products. If you don’t have account, please go to the UniWorld website to register a new one. When accessed to Unitools successfully, navigate to the Token tool in the left panel, then click on the Create Your Own Token button. You need to fill all the information of the token, including

  • Token Name: the name of the token, It’s alo the ID of the token so please use the common alphabet letter with no space.
  • Token Symbol: Symbol of the token, ex: ABC, CRX …
  • Total Supply: Total supply of the token you want to issue
  • Conversion Ratio: The conversion ratio of your token with UNW, ex: 2:1 means 2 tokens will exchange 1 UNW
  • Expired Time: Expire time of Token
  • Url: Link to your website, your project or any information you want the world to see your token
  • Description: Description of your token, should be less than 2048 characters.
Create token on UniTools interface

Press the submit buttons, confirm information and enter your account password then your token is deployed on the UniChain network. That’s all, simple, right?

Please note that, to create your token, 500 UNW will be burned directly from your account as the transaction fee. So make sure that you have enough balance to perform issuing your token.

The witness tool allows you to apply to become a witness node and also let you vote for any witness nodes in the queue. If you want to learn more about witness and witness benefit, please checkout this article

To apply for a witness, go to unitools website and login with UniWorld account and navigate to the witness tool in the left panel. Click the Apply For Witness button, fill witness information (an URL to the website that represents the witness information) and confirm with your password. After submitting the transaction successfully, You will become a witness candidate and available for voting. Please note that applying for a witness will cost you 1000 UNW. It’s directly burnt from your account.

To vote for witness, You must firstly have the voting power. The voting power is proportional to the UNW balance. To obtain the voting power, please lock the corresponding UNW balance. For example, If you lock 5000 UNW, you have 5000 voting power. Your voting power can be used to vote for one or more witnesses even yourself.

Please note that the witness list will be refreshed every 6 hours. The top 55 candidates which receive the most voting power will become network witnesses. The minimum locking duration is 72 hours. After that you can unlock your balance at any time.

The Smart contract tool or Dapp tool provides a convenient way to deploy smart contracts on the UniChain network. All you need to do is to browse the contract file, fill the contract constructor parameters and confirm with your password. Your smart contract will be deployed online with some simple click instead of complex deployment like other platforms. The online compiler is in progress and will be integrated to Unitool soon.

