Is That Linux? No, It’s SketchyBar and macOS

Stylising the macOS bar to be stunning and functional with SketchyBar.

Michael Bao


Screenshot by author

The macOS bar is an extravagant piece of black ebony with white engravings. Monotonous but essential. All the features are accounted for — toolbars, open services, and time. Its functionality is perfectly synchronized with all the other proprietary apps. Though almost spectacularly solid, it lacks personality. There are even applications that try and fix this: stats and spaceid just to name a few.

Consequently, I searched for different bars — eventually landing on SketchBar. Even though there are alternatives like simple-bar, SketchBar gave the most flexibility and ease of use that I enjoyed. And now, I can happily say that it was the right choice. The modularity and sheer amount of features can’t be analogized. This is why I switched and this is what I have done with it…

Current Setup

I currently have a few parts to my SketchyBar setup:

  • Spaces
  • Front App
  • Music
  • Right side (including CPU usage, volume, battery, date, and time)

On a side note, the current theme and font that I use are TokyoNight and JetBrains Mono Nerd Font, respectively. These…



Michael Bao

Neovim | Arch Linux | macOS | I love to write about random tech stuff. Tinkering around with Linux, Neovim, and computers.