My Neovim Git Setup

Neogit, Gitsigns, and Diffview

Michael Bao


Screenshot by author

Today, I will be sharing my git setup for Neovim.

I recently wrote an article on lazy.nvim, therefore the installation and configuration will be using it (instead of something like packer.nvim).


I previously used Doom Emacs and one of my favorite plugins was Magit. It had many features that gave more information and made it easier to work with git. For me, I usually only needed to commit, push, and pull. I rarely did anything fancy, so Magit was more than enough.

Neogit is a work-in-progress clone of Magit for Neovim. Even with the current features, it is more than enough for my needs.

Screenshot of Neogit by author


return {
cmd = "Neogit",
config = function()
kind = "split", -- opens neogit in a split
signs = {…



Michael Bao

Neovim | Arch Linux | macOS | I love to write about random tech stuff. Tinkering around with Linux, Neovim, and computers.