Switching To LazyVim

I wanted lazy, I got lazy.

Michael Bao


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I have been using Neovim for quite some time now — mainly for coding, but also for minor file editing. Previously, I always had my own configuration (see here for my previous setup), however, recently I found myself disliking its bugginess. Moreover, my desires to keep configuring and maintaining it were dimming, favoring a more “just work” mentality. I could have fixed these annoying issues at some times, however, as they kept becoming more and more prevalent, I was fed up. I decided to switch. And it was by far the better decision.

What is LazyVim?

LazyVim is an exceptionally fast Neovim setup with countless features. Many of these features are built-in and require minimal configuration. LazyVim uses lazy.nvim as the package manager (see my article for more information). LazyVim has also been rapidly increasing in users and its community base is quite large, making it easy to ask questions and solve problems.

It includes prebuild configurations for various languages, including C variants using Clangd, Go, Python, and Rust. All of the ones I’ve tried have worked exceptionally well, but there is somewhat of a lack of languages — bash.

Moreover, the config can function as a normal lazy.nvim config, adding plugins, and keybinds are the same.



Michael Bao

Neovim | Arch Linux | macOS | I love to write about random tech stuff. Tinkering around with Linux, Neovim, and computers.