Why I Have 9 Workspaces Open in macOS

And how I use each one of them

Michael Bao


Screenshot by author

I have long been a fan of having multiple workspaces ever since I started using window managers. The usefulness of having a completely different “screen” at my fingertips is absolutely unmatched.

I started using workspaces a few years back when I was first introduced to window managers. Xmonad was my first window manager. I had 10 workspaces, each with a somewhat different use case. However, more often, there would only be a few workspaces that I used — usually only half. This was a combination of not having enough windows to manage and having a few apps that deserved their own workspaces: Spotify, Discord/Messages, etc. Even though there were extra workspaces, it did not bother me nor did it use any extra resources.

After some time, I switched to macOS. Still wanting to keep the window manager aesthetic, I decided to try out some window managers designed for it. I first stumbled onto Amethyst, however, it was not as customizable as I liked. This is when I decided to do some more research and I eventually found yabai.

I initially used yabai with System Integrity Protection (SIP) enabled, but as time went by the crippling thought of a better and more sleek version convinced me to switch. Now, having used it for a few months, I can say that it was a…



Michael Bao

Neovim | Arch Linux | macOS | I love to write about random tech stuff. Tinkering around with Linux, Neovim, and computers.